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Ingame Name*: AngelOfDeath225


Why do you think you were banned?:I got TK'd purposely by another player whon then proceeded to loot my body, accidentily killed him back, got kicked, told the admin to stop admin abusing and got perma-banned. And yes, I was in a terrible mood already so I did use quite the amount of cuss words. 


Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*:Because 1, I really like the server. And 2, I don't think I did anything wrong in this situation.


Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: PiranhA


When were you banned?*: 2-4-2016

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Seeing you think you have done nothing wrong really doesn`t give me another option. Behaviour like this is/will not be tolerated on our servers, showing no remorse when appealing a ban makes it even worse.


Ban appeal DENIED.



Community Referee

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This isn't meant to be an offense, but what behaviour? Accidentily killing a teammate? Or cussing in a 16+ game? I'm genuinely confused. And what do you mean by "showing no remorse"? I don't see how I did something wrong and I deeply apoligize if I in some way offended you or one of your admins. But again, I don't see my wrongdoing in accidentily killing a teammate n'or cussing when attacked by 3 different people on the server. But good to know that a wrongfully given ban has not been lifted. I will make sure to remember this.

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