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Removing the Panther



back in January - Jason - made a comment on a thread about Tank Crews/Slots

"Rather than adding more vehicles you could replace the (inferior) Mora and the (useless) Panther with another Marshall and/or Slammer, as they are more popular. Personally I'd really like to see at least two Marshalls spawning in base, as it's a vehicle I like to use but very often there's someone else using it."

It made me think...
The Panther never really gets used as it's WAY too slow to take you over any distance and doesn't have any really firepower once it gets there.

It could be removed quite easily, without anyone really even caring.

And this got me to thinking, the Trucks >HEMTTs< aren't really used that often, same with the Hunters, and I think it's mainly about location in the base...
People don't want to go looking for them, and instead just wait for (scream at) pilots for transport, even when there are enemy Jets killing them time and time again.

This combined with the, ever so breifly used - coz issues - new base layout had me wondering if you wouldn't mind me putting together a rough design/layout, or if you wouldn't mind looking into one yourselves.

A layout with the ground vehicles, HEMTTs and Hunters, literally parked next to the Spawn/VAS in a line behind the small concrete barriers. This will make them more noticable to the guys on the ground, and perhaps improve the chances of people using them.

A few times now I have taken a Medical HEMTT out to a AO or Zeus mission and found that it came in more useful than even I had expected as when there are no Medics in the area - live ones anyway - people did notice the Marker I had added saying >> Med Station << and therefore pulled their injured friends back to it, and thus were able to get them on their feet themselves.
The same with the Repair HEMTT, Keeping one close to the AO is really useful when a Heli goes down or a Vehicle gets disabled.


People only ever want to take the Armed Hunters, but a Fire Support Team with a Armed hunter is pretty much wasting a vehicle, Having the unarmed Hunters right next to the spawn with a few First Aid Kits and Mortar Bipods/Tubes or Static HMGs in the back might give people a few extra choices that they didn't really consider.

The Panther and Bobcat are far too slow to be of any practical use in the missions. The Bobcat however is such a useful vehicle when AOs are closer to the base, but it never gets used due to it being needed in Base for repairing Helicopters at the Landing Pads.
Perhaps having a Larger 3 pad area, in a triangular formation, with a Bobcat in the middle could be a nice solution for traffic flow and repair efficienc. (but that's a topic for another thread)

The Mora and Marshall often don't get used for anything other than a light tank, rarely do I see others using them as a transport option, Perhaps when an AO is close to base, 1 or 2 of the pilots could grab the Hunter and use it to ferry people back and forth to the AO. (same with Hunters for small groups, and HEMTTs for larger groups)

Too often the people taking the Slammer just drive it into a field/onto a hill and then sit in it until destroyed...


Charge into the AO with nothing but Machine Guns blazing slicing through the infantry....

I think the Slammer (Urban Purpose) should be removed for the heavier Slammer, which can either fight from long range, or as my friends and I do, stalk the outside of the AO looking for Armoured targets to remove before heading back to base. Because the Slammer doesn't have the Commander gun, that the Urban Purpose does have, it is much less effective at attacking infantry. This makes it more role specific and therefore might encourage the use of the smaller vehicles for that purpose.

I'm going to stop here, as I am currently shattered as it is almost 11am and I have not yet slept.
I have many more ideas that I will be sharing over the coming days.

I hope my input is useful, if not always needed.. :P

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I partially disagree when its about the hunters. 

All the other, ... i dont mind.



and i disagree with the hemt. As a mortar/artrillery operator i always need a hemt loaded with mortar tubes so i dont have to rtb as soon as im out of ammo

What about it do you disagree with?

You don't think they should be moved to a more visible location, so more people use them?

ok.. now I am actually going to go to bed... lol

it's gone 12 in the afternoon... :D

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And for the hunters, i like having an unarmed hunter to transport my AT missiles in a vehicle which doesnt get stolen, because no gun.


And for the Marshall as transport, i dont think pilots should do that, but still great idea, ill give it a test run on a close AO making a transport squad with marshalls, lets see how it works out.


For the repair HEMTTs at the ao, basicly a nice idea, but helicopters who go down, often run out of fuel, which means we would need another HEMTT with fuel at the AO.

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to early to start quoting and reply individual ...


I agree on removing the Panther,as i rarely ever in my 2000h I+A i seen it being used in action other than "rushing" to AO (get the joke?)

There are a very few people i saw using it to an advantage,but this is more like chance of a lifetime - therefor DECAP approved.


Funny idea suggesting pilots to use Hunters to ferry people to AO,the whole point of a pilot should be driving - this would safe countless (ingame)lifes haha :blink:


Regarding the Hunters - let me tell you a fun story from back in the days i started playing I+A - going for side missions back then was a harrassment having to rely on a pilot to transfer you there and not nubaland you directly into death,so smart people took Hunters to get there ... fun issue back then was a Hunter HMG attracted missiles and gunship attacks like a warm shit does to flys,so HMG´s were deathtraps literally (on the whole map,as jets and gunships flown not so close by AO like they do now).

So,you had to use the Hunter without HMG to insert alive to combat as they dont get tracked by enemy air that easily - which in turn means you had to take way more time to get a side mission done than with the HMG counterpart ... :ph34r:

So,i d more propose getting the enemy air activity more aware for ground targets than it is now in order to stop the Hunternage going on about the past months (3-4 Hunters driven solo to AO/side missions) - my opinion only


About the trucks ... never was a fan of those anyway,i d say get rid of 50% of em and none will even notice (1 Repair 1 Fuel 1 Flatbed 1 Med HMTT)

And when you r on cutting it,get rid of the damn FOB trucks spawning double/triple with each AO that doesnt move the FOB pos ... its a clusterfuck and the pos of the FOB trucks should be way,way more off the base ...

Cause srsly,its a shitty not-worked-out yet-concept and we all know it ^_^


Oh yea,preloaded trucks ... NOT GONNA HAPPEN !

You to lazy to invest 3min to load backpacks into your lorry before you drive 15min to AO only to be stopped by a rock cutting your tire 2 min before destination ... then DONT lorry - similar to the wannabe tankers crying for a lift option ;)



Oh damn,work calls - ima end it here early

Chap Chap lads


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Why do you always sound so negative about suggestions Scar...

I don't know if it's just the way you write things, or if it's you as a person,

but everytime I've seen you respond to something since joining, it seems that you pick fault with it all.

I do hope it's just that something is 'lost in translation' as they say.

I thought we did only have 1 of each HEMTT - Fuel, Box, Ammo, Med,
and then 2 transports, 1 open and 1 covered.

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I wouldn't bother making suggestions for the base layout/vehicle locations since I believe that's something that's already being worked on.


For the HEMTTs I agree with Scar "1 Repair 1 Fuel 1 Flatbed 1 Med HMTT", the others are never used or needed.


On having certain pre-loaded vehicles (Hunter with mortar stuff etc), I'd so no to that, it would be better to focus on creating a better system to load vehicles yourself, rather than slowly filling and emptying your backpack....

I like the idea of pilots switching to driving roles in certain situations, however I feel that it would be hard to enforce when pilots can/cannot switch to driving roles as it would have too many grey areas. Also, the mindless zombies at base have a hard enough time figuring out which heli to get in, god knows what will happen if you throw in ground transport options as well!  :blink:


Never considered it before, but I like your idea for switching to the regular Slammer, it's still a little pointless since an AT guy can do a better job, but hey, TANKS!


Scar I'm not too sure what exactly you think should be changed regarding "enemy air activity", since the Neophrons will often target and destroy our ground vehicles all over the map, if anything I think that should be toned down a bit. Although I wouldn't mind if the enemy helicopters would come a bit further out the AO every now and then.


Don't get me started on those FOB trucks... that deserves a topic of it's own!  :angry:

Scar's really is just a miserable little shit

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The problem with the enemy jets is that they will just focus on the helis and let less powerful vehicles past like hunters, and because arma is the way arma is and ai have unlimited ammo makes them just constantly base rape the spawn. i think that if you could somehow could remove the AA missiles on the nephrons  so that they actually attack ground targets rather than just being another AA jet (but that discussion dosen't belong here)



I think the Slammer (Urban Purpose) should be removed for the heavier Slammer, which can either fight from long range, or as my friends and I do, stalk the outside of the AO looking for Armoured targets to remove before heading back to base. Because the Slammer doesn't have the Commander gun, that the Urban Purpose does have, it is much less effective at attacking infantry. This makes it more role specific and therefore might encourage the use of the smaller vehicles for that purpose.

The slammer UP is actually heavier, smaller gun but more Armour :P

but i like the idea, the slammer UP is way to versatile in the current AO setup. basically unstoppable with a good driver and gunner and is anti everything

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The slammer UP is actually heavier, smaller gun but more Armour :P

but i like the idea, the slammer UP is way to versatile in the current AO setup. basically unstoppable with a good driver and gunner and is anti everything

When I said Heavier, I was talking about the cannon... :D

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