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Good evening 




ban : lobby ban 1 day 


Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted


Not sure what is ment by a lobby ban


I joined in on AW 1 and 2 to see who is playing (team work and mic wise )to decide what server to play on and i decided to play on AW2 when i got the ban msg .


I get that i may not have spawned quickly but funny enough i was banning a bunch of hackers hacker on a server on a other game we host and had to make a post of guids  for logs 


Essex Rifles co-chief of staff Slick just to show you i am actually a admin incase of doubt


i would appriciate if it was lifted its my only day off 


time of ban


2140 -2150 

i think took me a while to figure out this browser dont show me the captha



Thank you  for your time 


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