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Vehicle VAS



So I like to take a HEMTT full of ammo (and AT missles) to AOs with my squad so we can clear side missions and AOs basically alone.

Loading them full of ammo is a pain though, so would it be possible to get a VAS for Vehicle loadouts or maybe a HEMTT that acts like a mobile VAS? Especially if you drove 15min to an AO and get blown to smitherines by a CAS plane and have to do it all over again in those tiny steps.

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When loading up vehicles i drive up to the hangar, and while I'm still in the vehicle i can access VAS when you are right next to it. This means you can load the vehicle without even getting out, much quicker. And I think having vehicle load outs would be pointless cause most vehicles have some sort of equipment in the inventory by default. 

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When loading up vehicles i drive up to the hangar, and while I'm still in the vehicle i can access VAS when you are right next to it. This means you can load the vehicle without even getting out, much quicker. And I think having vehicle load outs would be pointless cause most vehicles have some sort of equipment in the inventory by default. 

yeah I do that as well, but loading a full HEMTT with different ammo for each of the squad members still takes 10+ minutes

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The portable VAS seems like a really interesting idea but it would be way to op just spawning in missiles right next to the AO. it would be nice if you could restrict it so that you can only pull out a set amount of each ammo type. 

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Now sure how much is VAS moddable, but if it is, restricting available VAS content in vehicle to backpacks (including static launcher parts), ammo (including nades, misc items and all of those) and attachments would be enough. Maybe primary weapons as well..?

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I think that would be a great idea for the EU1/2 servers but i can imagine that could  also be a pain the ass considering many players just leave (un)damaged vehicles at old AO's and respawn so they dont have to wait or take the time to RTB or go to the next AO.


Positive thing is that when there isnt much teamplay on EU1/2, smaller squads who actually teamplay could really approve their team and game experience by not having to wait (or hope) for people who are NOT playing their role.


This issue is double standard :P EU3 NO EU1/2 i would think about it (or test fase it?)

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