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Feedback - Desync

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Right, instead of Raz relying on steam messages from the people on the server, lets get the info posted in one of these here threads so he can come back to it should he need it. Lets try and keep it organized using the following format:


Earliest Time You Suffered Desync on EU3 (from 16/1/16 onwards) -

Describe what the desync was like (Complete freezing? Moonwalking people? Flying cars?) -


My responses to this are:


Earliest Time You Suffered Desync on EU3 (from 16/1/16 onwards) - 16:00 GMT

Describe what the desync was like (Complete freezing? Moonwalking people? Flying cars?) - Moonwalking, some slight car flying. Like eu1 after 3 days of non stop Ao's

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Earliest Time You Suffered Desync on EU3 (from 16/1/16 onwards) - 16:00 GMT (ish)

Describe what the desync was like (Complete freezing? Moonwalking people? Flying cars?) - Some infantry desync but specifically the Bradley, was on Zargabad with a significant number of players (25-30).

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Earliest Time You Suffered Desync on EU3 (from 16/1/16 onwards) - Around 16:00 GMT

Describe what the desync was like (Complete freezing? Moonwalking people? Flying cars?) - Infantry, all vehicles moonwalking, then clipping back into their proper place. Several players were online, 15+.

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