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Busy busy busy


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Here at AhoyWorld Towers.... well you have to use your imagination, we don't ACTUALLY have any towers, or for that matter any property.

I will point out that Josh volunteered to write up a post and so this is from my POV what's going on, I'm sure his post will be better constructed than mine! here it is anyway


We're rather busy, responding to user feedback (see new moderators and channel stuff), creating new ideas and moving in new directions.


I heard from a few of ya that you wanted to know what the story was for EU3, so here goes: we're in the process of making a new game mode internally but one of our members is working on something too, pace is slow and steady but as we know that's who wins the race. Bringing in new moderators to try and hold the super structure that is our modded server. I would like to say that although our rules may seem a little strange, they were done for a reason (think when you see "do not drink" on a bleach bottle, who's drunk that? for the same reason we have no more than 1 pilot for x amount of players, once upon a time we had more pilots than troops). We're not trying to run a concentration camp either though so apply a little logic, yeah if you're packing light why not carry an AT4 for your anti tank guy. you get the idea. Anyway yes! moderators ahoy.


Lots of events are planned, so much so that i dare put in a DCS event right now but i'm thinking of a guns only pvp air-air hot ramp start scenario, we've  got events easily available to see on the news section.


Create your own channel has been adjusted, we're trying out a new approach to try and make this work for you. please show it and us respect, please keep your channel names and descriptions etc simple "MAT4Life" is fine but "lemonparty" is not, admins don't want to be wasting time investigating whatever weird thing you have going on in there and i'm sure you agree their efforts are better placed elsewhere. in short, please respect it and we can keep it :)


New Staff will be covered by josh in more detail


Testing stuff ranging from new mission types for modded to improved server configurations, Kammy is doing magical things behind the scenes over the holidays and we're now able to allocate resources much more effeciently


I still suck at delegating and grenade throwing. If you think that somebody else could answer your question please ask them first, starting from Field Ambassadors, EU3 Moderators (If on EU3) to Admins to Core Staff and finally bother me with your troubles, I am all ears. If however you still deem it necessary to go straight to me you can always email [email protected]


Internal improvements of which i can't really disclose but stuff does happen behind the scenes to make things better for the front of house.


That's it for my update, stay tuned for Josh's post, thanks to all members of our community.

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