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Ingame Name*: Narodon

Why do you think you were banned?:Telling a teamkiller who at least killed 4 people and at least destroyed 1 hunter hmg to "go kill himself"

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: it was "only" a teamkiller, he pissed off a lot of people by killing them, i pissed of him (probably, maybe he hasnt read it) and i get straight banned (No kick, No admin warning, just directly a ban)

BTW The admin banned me BEFORE doing anything against the teamkiller

Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Zis

When were you banned?*: maybe 20minutes ago




Ingame Name*: Narodon

Why do you think you were banned?: Im not so sure
read it yourself: https://gyazo.com/12e76513b512d636200b23672b10c57f https://gyazo.com/bdffcf87011bda20da13120ba8e1ce1c

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: he didnt care at all about it, and again he didnt kick me, he didnt tell me to apologize or anything, he didnt give me a reason.

Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Zissou

When were you banned?*: maybe 10minutes ago

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I am going to remove the ban on this occasion, however I would just like to take this opportunity to request you be careful of the language you use in the servers towards both players and staff members as it can come down heavy on you such as it has this time.


- Danny (Community Referee)

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