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***URGENT OP ORDER*** Gamenight 2/1-2016 1530GMT


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GAMENIGHT POSTPONED TO 3/1/16 @ 15:30 GMT due to internet issues and some other things. Hope this hasn't caused y'all to much trouble. See y'all tomorrow!








3112-0600 GMT PAC forces launched a large scale invasion 

of the territories of AHOY.

​Mobilization of 3.MEC and 3.CSE approved.

First operation has been planned, SME follows.





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Looks very promising but I think a lot of people were lost with the big update.

no lots of people will be back after the new year. its not the update just got to let people have time with family then figure out the new systems.


In other news this looks really promising and cant wait to see how this is going to progress :D

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Added: signup form in original post. Be aware if you signup I expect you to be there, if you cant come either poke\msg me on teamspeak as early as possible, and especially if you are in one of the leading elements.


Added shorthand briefing sheet in second post.


This mission is not lollygagging around shooting baddies while listening to derptunez vol 15. So no mucking about in any form 

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Yeah, will be there too. If you need CAS, Icy and I would be happy to run it. If not, I'll take whatever you need, with the exception of Medic :)

Right on, proper cas is key to succes ;)


As are many other roles :P

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GAMENIGHT POSTPONED TO 3/1/16 @ 15:30 GMT due to internet issues and some other things. Hope this hasn't caused y'all to much trouble. See y'all tomorrow!


Well I can't make it then, have fun there lads Nevermind I can be there for a bit over an hour

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