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DutchFLC here,


37 years young , living in Rotterdam , Holland. I'm a PC gamer for just almost a year now. Main games I play atm are Arma 3 and Elite Dangerous. Saw you guys also play DCS , wich I own too for a while now (the A-10c)  , but havent really started with that one. Think Im a bit afraid for it , its so big , difficult (but great fun!) and time consuming I keep pushing forward starting with it :). Maybe if I find a TrackIR under the christmas tree will speed things up :P


The thing I love most doing in Arma is flying Heli's , even bought a X55 HOTAS for it (and for Elite).


In real life I'm following Hang gliding lessons. If everything goes according to plan im a licensed pilot by the end of next year!


Next year I would really like too get into making missions for Arma , never ever touched that before (time time time) but I think its really cool. Think with the new Eden editor things may got a bit easier / userfriendly


So . looking forward too go too war with you guys!

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