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Can't access EU3


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Good morning all,


I am having some issues accessing the EU3 modded server. I have downloaded all the Mods via ArmaSync however I am still not able to access the server. I appear to be missing @AliveServer, @hlc_wp_MP5 and @hlc_wp_saw. I have been back into ArmaSync a couple of time to check my repository but I get the message that it is up to date and ok. I have even gone on to armaholic and downloaded these mods and added them yet I get the same message. Can anyone give some suggestions as to how I can resolve this issue?





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You don`t need AliveServer (it`s a server mod).


@hlc_wp_MP5 and @hlc_wp_saw were renamed into @hlcmods_mp5 and @hlcmods_saw. Rename them manually, reconnect to repository, sync them up. In Addons tabe, recreate AhoyWorld_Modded addon group by deleting old one and creating new one via Modset button.

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Hi Pero,


I have done as you said and I get the same problem. I have the red dot and it tells me I do not have @hlc_wp_MP5 and @hlc_wp_saw. I have deleted the whole repository and downloaded it again and still I get the same problem. I thought I would just try to connect just in case it works but I get the session lost message.

Scratch that....for some reason it is now working. Don't ask me how but it is. Thanks for your help Pero.

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