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Masho Man - lifted on 10/12/2015


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Ingame Name*: He created a new account called Masho Man

Why do you think you were banned?: TK and DC but my friend was using my computer

Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: Though no fault of my own as I tusted him as my Friend was using my computer I have told him about this. And have fallen out over this.

Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: PERO I think

When were you banned?*: Yesterday

* Required


You do not have to submit it but supplying your player UID may help speed up your unban in some cases.


A core staff member will respond to your appeal & any admins that have any valid input on the situation may also respond. We shall reach a verdict and that verdict is final. We aim to start & finish dealing with each individual ban appeal within one week.


After reading please submit a response to the topic so we know you've seen it.


Do not pester staff to look at your appeal, this will only decrease your chance of success.


If you do not follow this procedure fully it will be rejected.




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Hi Pero


So the ball is in your court fair enough, How are we going to sort this problem out. Am I banned for life though something I never did on my favourite server?


I agree I should have kept an eye on him. We have fallen out over this discrepancy (Me and my previous friend who is a utter noob)


Thanks but it could have been more professional if you had responded in a proper text without just one sentence.





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I guess I have to do another quote:


Do not pester staff to look at your appeal, this will only decrease your chance of success.


Your ban appeal will be looked into by a independent member of staff, as it says, should be within a week.


Please, stop sending PMs, it will not push resolving this matter faster.

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Our mediator has made a decission, you will be unbanned, but this is your second and last chance.


But due to sending PM(s) to staff, you have violated the rules of the appeal process, your ban will be lifted after 7 days, on 10th December 2015, around 15.00GMT / 16.00CET.

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