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ArmA3 mod issues after nexus update!


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Hello folks after the Nexus update for arma3 today we are expecting problems with mainly the EU3 mods. However this will effect the normal server mods as well.

This means that we will have to wait for mod developers to update their mods so that we can update the repository.

Primarily on eu3 this may cause game altering bugs.

We ask that you are patient with this bugs and we will update the mods as soon as we can.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Apart from the new stamina system, and some harder-than-usual-to-kill AI, everything still seems to be in working order.


For the stamina issues, rework your loadouts to be under 40 kg and you'll be fine (it scales, so the less you carry, the better off you are for sprinting).



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