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New US Server!


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We are delighted to announce we have a new US server! It went live yesterday and is currently running I&A Altis as US#1. We'll monitor usage over the coming weeks and months with potential to add another ArmA 3 server. Unfortunately due to our network setup, reaching admins with !ts on the US server is not possible, typing admin in chat however will continue to function. We're also on the lookout for responsible players on the server over the next few weeks for potential additions to our staff team.



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  • 2 weeks later...
oh, thats awesome cant wait till people play on it!

The way Arma server-list works, we all need to help seeding it so it climbs in the ranks a little and start obtaining visibility. This is a job for both members aswel as staff.

Also this server is a huge increase in our monthly costs, and if it will continue it's service in the long run debends on how populated it is over the next 2 or 3 months. ---> meaning: start playing som arma soldiers !!! :P


This is awesome!, but I'm not getting out of EU#3 :)


Any mods allowed ?

For now it is setup like EU1 or EU2, In case the US playerbase is growing based on this new colocation, we migt actually decide to add a modded server (or not,.... no promises let see how things pann out)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any updates on how the US server is doing? I work a lot and do not get to play as much as I'd like during the week, but haven't seen it populated much over the last week unfortunately.


I personally hope it takes off a little better so I can finally play with some decent ping! The AW EU servers keep a decently-sized/organized player base when peak hours reach my time zone, but a lot of others turn into the Wild West when all the EU mods go to sleep...

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