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EU4 Stratis


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last night playing on EU4 two guys had trashed the base and wrecked all the vehicles to a point of uselessness but not so much that they would respawn. CompasRu and I repaired what we could and did a few CAS runs to encourage respawns

I found the laptops that activate air defence and reset the base - I guess you need admin privileges which is fair enough to prevent the thing getting abused. But there were only four or five of us on the server - all playing as a team. Is there a "vote to restart server" option anywhere?

Two other points of interest:


I noticed that flicking between turret and pilot on the UGV while sitting inside it at the repair station would empty the fuel tank. This happened twice - once as a wtf- the second time to diagnose it...


The indestructible fuel tender in the heliport once flipped over is impossible to get back on its feet.

Thanks for a great (mostly) coop game and cool people to play it with!! Keep up the good work

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