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Mod Suggestion: British Armed Forces Weapons

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As you should be aware, there aren't any British Weapons in EU3 that are really worth running with your loadout and due to popular demand me and some others have been researching a weapon pack that I'm sure that people are going to want to have added to the

server so here it is: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28645


So what do you guys think then?


-TheMuffinMod, Bloo_Flar3 and duffyman.

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Note that I tried this pack and here's my feelings about it:

The weapons are reskinned F2000, the recoil pattern is a vanilla one.

What's make the RHS weapons unique is that they change the recoil pattern to make it feels realistic, you get a good feeling while shooting them, same for HLC weapons.

For this it's simply a re-skin, the sounds are also not satisfactory AT ALL.

tho special note to the 3D artist because fuck it's high quality shit right there.


I wouldn't recommand this pack for the reasons stated above, oh and if you want "new" weapons JUST STOP USING FRICKIN M4 WE GOT A FUCKLOAD OF WEAPONS ALREADY.

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I agree completely with Alganthe.


The mod has a lot of dublicate weapons in it. 

To some them:

- FN minimi or L110A1/A2 or m249 or whatever, which is in RHS and we added the HLC version because of the quality.

- FN MAG or L7A2 or m240G or what ever fucking version, also in RHS with new versions coming up in the next update.

- L91/L92(MP5) we have HLC MP5's for the MP5's

- Glock 17 added by RH pistols.


The ones that are new:

- M82A1 Barrett

- L128A1 or Benelli M4 shotgun

- L85A2 Duh

- L98A2 Cadet rifle, WHY?!?!

- L103A2 Drill practice, A gun that does not even fire

- L86A2 LSW

- L22/L22A2 Carbines

- L115A3 LLR

- L129A1 A m4 based rifle with 7.62 caliber


It also has a depency on ASDG Joint Muzzles so we need to add that.


Personally I would rather add Kiory's L85A2's, because that is of much better quality, sadly it has no carbine, LSW, M82 or L115. The shotgun we dont need, the RHS one is far better, the L129A1 is a 7.62 M4 based rifle, of which RHS adds Kiory's SR25 which should is be better.




So Ill leave this post now, as ArmA3Sync just told me the upload was complete. So test it, and tell me if you think it is a good mod.



Edit: links and stuff

Edit2: Forgot to mention, You cannot take magazines out of VA for the L85A2's. And the weapons also do not take any vanilla or RHS magazines.

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The L85s were originally modelled by Kiory (as Sheep said), 3CB just took his models and upgraded/changed it.


This modpack was mostly created for their ops and public server, hence the drill and cadet L85s. I don`t know why they are using Joint Muzzles mod dependancy, it was implemented into Joint Rails a couple of updates ago, but then, I`ve seen some weird decission from the modmakers about their public server (while being a gues there some time ago), so I am not supprised at all.


As Sheep and alganthe stated, the mod has potential, but there are still a couple of bugs in there.

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Note that I tried this pack and here's my feelings about it:

The weapons are reskinned F2000, the recoil pattern is a vanilla one.

What's make the RHS weapons unique is that they change the recoil pattern to make it feels realistic, you get a good feeling while shooting them, same for HLC weapons.

For this it's simply a re-skin, the sounds are also not satisfactory AT ALL.

tho special note to the 3D artist because fuck it's high quality shit right there.


I wouldn't recommend this pack for the reasons stated above, oh and if you want "new" weapons JUST STOP USING FRICKIN M4 WE GOT A FUCKLOAD OF WEAPONS ALREADY.

the thing is if almost everybody uses the M4 variants that shoots 5.56, then it is not worth using weapons that doesn't use that bullet

If like me you really want British things or non-American :



http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24328   [requires RH M4 ...]


http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27205 [requires AGM+CBA]

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the thing is if almost everybody uses the M4 variants that shoots 5.56, then it is not worth using weapons that doesn't use that bullet

If like me you really want British things or non-American :



http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24328   [requires RH M4 ...]


http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27205 [requires AGM+CBA]


The Challenger will never return... Seeing as it requires AGM and because it's the Chally, which everyone hates for some reason.

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Mini, its op as fuck. That's why

Well, thats kinda the point of a tank, isn't it?


And I know back in the day you couldn't destroy it and it was indeed a bit silly, just give it a try once it's updated to use ace functions and the damage model is nerfed. Not complaining you guys took it out, it was over the top, but it will be amazing once updated. And yes i'm biased casue it's my favorite tank of all time, and no nothing will change that. Oh yeah, one more thing, I remember it stating it was never intended to work with vanilla armor, it was made with RAM(an armor mod) in mind and will have a ridiculous amount of armor if used without this mod. 


Again, if the only reason you hate the chally for is the armor, just wait for the update and you'll love it.

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Modern tanks are the tit-for-tat for modern anti-tank weapons. For every new tank mod (IRL) they make a new anti-tank weapon. So as for any new anti-tank weapon they make a new tank mod. Its a huge struggle between the two. We seen a lot videos how easy it is to destroy an old tank with a new rocket and heard a lot of stories how hard it is to destroy a new tank with an old rockets. I strongly believe Arma 3 should implement the same behavior regarding the armored vehicles and not based just on a plain damage numbers. Tank crew skills are +50 to the tank survival if tactics and AT-defenses are combined properly. IMO

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Well, that's kinda the point of a tank, isn't it?


And I know back in the day you couldn't destroy it and it was indeed a bit silly, just give it a try once it's updated to use ace functions and the damage model is nerfed. Not complaining you guys took it out, it was over the top, but it will be amazing once updated. And yes i'm biased cause it's my favorite tank of all time, and no nothing will change that. Oh yeah, one more thing, I remember it stating it was never intended to work with vanilla armor, it was made with RAM(an armor mod) in mind and will have a ridiculous amount of armor if used without this mod. 


Again, if the only reason you hate the chally for is the armor, just wait for the update and you'll love it.

Also it wasn't actually that over powered because when i tried it on the first hit from a tank the whole crew was knocked out.

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