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I'm having some troubles with the BattleEye on #EU1


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Heyho ,
i wanted to play today on the #EU1 Server like everyday ,
but today i got kicked with the Message:

You've got kicked from the game, [battle Eye: Admin Ban:[bEC: Game Hack#38]]

I didnt used hacks or something like this , but this message appears everytime again ,
when I connect to the server.. What do i have to do , to get unbanned? Is it only temporary ?

Thanks in advance ,


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yeah you probably had cheat engine open when you opened arma. there's nothing you can do other than contact battleeye (they won't listen) or take advantage of the sale and buy another copy of arma.

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yeah on what?
you mean , that it is only temporary? And if , how long is it?

EDIT: lol it bugged a littlebit , read it now , im contacting battle eye then , thank you :D

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But how do i  buy then another copy of Arma 3? I have it already in steam

I've contacted them and the replied , and said I have to contact the Admin of the Server..
The wrote that:

"Admin Bans (including BEC "GameHack #X" bans)

Those are third-party bans and we cannot assist you in any way with them. Please contact the server admin or community for help."


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Is there nothing you can do about? I really liked it to play on the server..
BattleEye answered me now with a specific answer and they said , there is nothing they can do about it,
only the server admin can change that

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