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Can't connect to EU#3 anymore


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Since the last repo update I can't connect to the EU#3 anymore. It goes with the "Session lost" within 3 seconds after I press "Join". Looks like I'm non-granted person any longer.  :( What shall I do?


Edit: Today is my 2d-year in Ahoy service anniversary! :)

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had the same issue yesterday, that seemed to be because the server was not updated along with the repo, never got the session lost error however, i only got mod errors, seeing as the server was runing the old version of them. last i heard was that the server was being updated..might be that its still down for updates?..


also, congrats on your anniversary! :D

Edited by FrOzT
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Don't know if this is of any help, but I got that error when trying to connect to EU1. Session Lost after a couple of seconds after clicking the join button. Took me ages to figure out that it only happens if I am running the very latest CBA mod (Community Base addons) version 1.20.150416 RC6.


Only when i changed it for the previous version, without the hotfix, can i manage to join EU1. Change it back to the latest version and I always get the Seesion Lost error.


Maybe your problem is a mod problem like I had.




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It seems that hotfixed CBA bikey doesn`t work on EU3, server just refuses to boot up (Raz came to that conclusion yesterday), the normal RC6 should still work.


As for EU1 and EU4, the hotfixed CBA should work, at least it did for me (gotta double check the version).


Plus, this: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3921-agm-is-broken/


EDIT: I just tested both EU1 and EU2, the new hotfixed CBA is working, double check any other mods that could not be supported anymore (like VTS resting).

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I still get Session Lost with the latest CBA on EU1. Previous one works fine. No VTS resting mod. Strange. I'm sure i'll figure it out in time, Using old version which allows me on server so not to worry.

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I still get Session Lost with the latest CBA on EU1. Previous one works fine. No VTS resting mod. Strange. I'm sure i'll figure it out in time, Using old version which allows me on server so not to worry.


Do you mind posting your modlist please?

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I was running these mods up until today (with CBA RC6, not the latest hotfix version) 




Went to play today and now get the Session Lost error no matter what version of CBA i use. Nothing had changed on my computer since last night to give me this error again.


Anyway, I'm now running just these mods and i can connect just fine. I'll just run with this setup for now:


It will do me for general EU1 usuage.


And sorry to Bozon for taking up some of his thread!

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I was running these mods up until today (with CBA RC6, not the latest hotfix version) 




Went to play today and now get the Session Lost error no matter what version of CBA i use. Nothing had changed on my computer since last night to give me this error again.


Anyway, I'm now running just these mods and i can connect just fine. I'll just run with this setup for now:


It will do me for general EU1 usuage.


And sorry to Bozon for taking up some of his thread!


I too seems to have issues joining with CBA now, maybe the box needs a full reboot for keys to sync.


A general note to your mod list, make sure CBA is ALWAYS run 1st.

As for DragonFyre, I wouldn`t use, could be bugged. On another note, LordJarhead will not update any DF for now due to RL issues.

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OK, can anyone give me a link to a working mods for the EU#3? I've been trying all sorts of combinations with the mods [new,old,with, w/o, etc.], but still no luck with a connection.

Running through the Arma3Sync:


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