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Why restrict scope usage?


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Hi there.


Any reason why certain scopes are restricted to squad leaders. When on EU1 i often like to use a TWS or NightStalker. Now I can't use these unless I'm a squad leader. What is the logic behind this?


Can we change this back to how it was?




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I believe that there was a problem where a lot of teamkills were being caused by people using thermal scopes because you can't see the uniform being worn, and also that the thermal scopes were being overused, even in daytime where they are completely unnecessary.

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Like Archon said teamkilling was a big issue with the scopes with people not identifying targets before shooting. They are also far too OP with AO after AO being completed by swarms of players equipped with thermals just shooting at the high contrast easy to see targets presented when using thermal. Remember that this is an infantry game where engagement up close adds to the fun. Being able to spot enemies immediately with little or no searching takes away from the gameplay and hopefully our changes will result in players playing their role more effectively eg having squad leaders actually lead by calling out the positions of enemy units for the rest of the squad to engage.   

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I like that we're not able to use Thermal now.


I do however have one gripe. There is no long range Nightvision scope available. The only option is a 5x, which simply won't do when I need a replacement for a Marksman or Sniper optic.


Also, everyone can still use Designators, which still have Thermal built in. Not sure if you're aware.

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I kind of hate thermal vision, it breaks the gameplay a bit too much and just takes out lot of the fun.

All you do is sweep 360 with thermal and you know where all the enemies are and snipe them.

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Well with the desig' you still need to switch out and re-aquire target or better yet have a spotter friend desig' so implicating better team play 


no-one should have the Thermal it ruins game play, it is a pitty there is no long range nv scope but hey-ho make do, when given lemons make lemonade :)

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While we're on the subject, i'd love to see the MAR-10 and the Cyrus restricted to Spotters only. Just putting that out there.

There's an option for Marksmen weapons (bar the KIR, probably cos of it's limited range) to be restricted to marksmen and spotter. The same goes with at least the new MMGs, only autorifleman are able to use them.


Also, in regards to the inability to snipe at night, I guess that means the sniper and spotter have to do their intended role and monitor enemy positions! Perhaps even mark them, encourage the teamplay and all that jazz, instead of dropping people at 1+ klicks.

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There's an option for Marksmen weapons (bar the KIR, probably cos of it's limited range) to be restricted to marksmen and spotter. The same goes with at least the new MMGs, only autorifleman are able to use them.


Also, in regards to the inability to snipe at night, I guess that means the sniper and spotter have to do their intended role and monitor enemy positions! Perhaps even mark them, encourage the teamplay and all that jazz, instead of dropping people at 1+ klicks.


I know, that's already in effect. I just don't think the MAR-10 and Cyrus are Marksmen weapons. They're closer in operation to a semi-auto sniper rifle than they are to a Marksman rifle, which is why I think they'd be better suited for Spotters and Snipers, and less so for Marksmen.

Their reach compared to that of the Mk18 or the new Mk14 speaks volumes.


Frankly, I'd love to see Marksmen using 7.62x51 rifles, restricting the other goons to 6.5x39 or lower.


I don't imagine I'll get much backup on that idea though :P




As for snipers and spotters playing intended roles, I can't really fault you on that.


It does present a problem when I, as a Sniper or Spotter, can't kill an enemy Sniper at 800 meters, though. 'cus he can damn sure kill me and the people I'm supporting.


I realise there's no good solution to this, I'm just pointing out that it's a problem.

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The one thing the game currently still misses is a long-range NV enabled scope for snipers, but even then the thermal scopes, despite being the only solution for now, are not something we should want to use. I do hope BIS makes a nv version of a 10x - 20x scope, would make a sniper able to actualy effectively operate at night.


Also, semi-automatic sniper rifles, despite whatever range or stopping power, are designed often for marksmans, so restricting them to snipers i would find counter productive. The whole purpopse of a marksman is to provide a nice in between option for a ordinary rifleman vs a sniper, so if a marksman rifle has good range and stopping power, it just means the marksman can be more versatile (able to support the squad at CQC, and provide long-range cover when say taking out a lone wandering enemy at safe distance.


Snipers should be using the more powerful bolt-action (prefably in my opinion) rifles and focus on recon and engagements at 1K and above.

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Yeah, but the .338 and 9.3mm rifles are lethal above 1800 meters.


There are several Marksmen rifles in 7.62 available, and right now there's no difference between a Spotter and a Marksman.


It's simply a way to differentiate between them.


Add to that, the 7.62s have a much higher rate of fire, which again speaks to their intended use, versus the .338 and 9.3mm

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Yeah, but the .338 and 9.3mm rifles are lethal above 1800 meters.


There are several Marksmen rifles in 7.62 available, and right now there's no difference between a Spotter and a Marksman.


Keep in mind that the size of calibres for applications has been upped throughout the game, a 7.62 round is used in what's considered an LMG, whereas with todays current weapons that round is often used in MMG's. The increasing of the calibre for marksman and MMG roles doesn't seem far fetched as greater stopping power at range and armour penetration are in demand as personal armour technologies update also, it's kinda like an arms race between the two.


Add to that, the 7.62s have a much higher rate of fire, which again speaks to their intended use, versus the .338 and 9.3mm


Have you seen the kick of the 9.3 versus the 7.62? The fact that the Cyrus has a slower rate of fire is so that the operator of it can actually keep it vaguely on target. The lack of full auto on the MAR 10 does speak of it's purpose though, which according to the OPREPs, it's used by the CTRG faction as a lighter alternative to an anti material rifle.

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While we're on the subject, i'd love to see the MAR-10 and the Cyrus restricted to Spotters only. Just putting that out there.

 The spotters role is to spot targets and assist the sniper in long range targeting and in close quarters [the spotter usually has an M4/M16].

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 The spotters role is to spot targets and assist the sniper in long range targeting and in close quarters [the spotter usually has an M4/M16].


I know, but that's not really relevant to the point I'm making.


Right now, Marksmen are effectively Snipers, and there's nothing to differentiate a Marksman from a Spotter.


I believe it would make sense in the context of EU#1 and #2 to let the Sniper/Spotter team use the MAR-10 exclusively. The Cyrus, while lethal beyond the thousand meter mark, does get pretty inaccurate; so maybe let Marksmen have that one. EMR, stick that onto Marksmen too.

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