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BI Revive & Squad Managment

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I`ve looked into the Revive and Squad Managment system, also tested in on dedi server (thanks Alganthe), so there were no JIP issues spotted.


I`ll post how I`ve set it up.





respawn = 3; //or BASE
respawnDelay = 15;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive"}; //adds the in-game build template for it
respawnOnStart = -1;
reviveDelay = 5;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; //in seconds
reviveBleedOutDelay = 120; //in seconds
  • reviveDelay - The time it takes to revive an incapacitated unit (default: 6 seconds). Having a Medikit will halve this time.
  • reviveForceRespawnDelay - The time it takes for an incapacitated unit to force their respawn (default: 3 seconds).
  • reviveBleedOutDelay - The time it takes for a unit to bleed out (default: 2 minutes).

When you "properly" die, you revert back to the default gear, so "Save loadout" script will still need to be used for I&A. Everything is setup through description.ext only.


Source: BI Forum Post#1 Post#2





["Initialize"] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;


["InitializePlayer", [player]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;

Requires both files to be created in the mission. No params are configurable (at least for now).


Source: BI Forum Post

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I confirm it works good.

Except the "reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;" i tried to increase the time delay but it stay at 2 minutes :/

The major default is everybody is able to revive.

Hope BIS will add option to allow medic only.

The SQUAD MANAGMENT from BIS is approved by most of players.

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Except the "reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;" i tried to increase the time delay but it stay at 2 minutes :/

The major default is everybody is able to revive.

Hope BIS will add option to allow medic only.


It could be that you can`t increase the timer yet, I`ll try it out myself later.


As for only medics to revive, BI is not gonna make that, they are doing that through the system that the medic with medkit is able to revive people 50% faster than normal player. They said they will not limit the revive system to certain units only.

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