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ODST incoming(mod suggestion)

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while browsing twitter I found this:http://kotaku.com/mod-turns-halo-into-serious-military-sim-1690203742?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow


which eventually led me to this:http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-eridanus-insurrection


which eventually led me to consider it a possible mod to be used during a game night. (not regularly since that would just ruin the overall flow of eu#3.


now of course this is only for the halo fans so if there aren't enough spartan wannabe's this mod suggestion can simply be ignored.


I still find it very cool that it exists

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While it looks good, as you said above not everyone is a Halo fan. I myself never played Halo, so i have no objection, nor do i personaly look forward to it.

That aside i do like the quality and design of the transport/dropship, but it is a bit to futuristic for what we generaly play.


I would say get to work making a mission with the mod in it and see if you can get people interested in playing it some gamenight or something. If you can integrate the current mods with this one and make a nice mission out of it, people might be willing to test it out some time.

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