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Hello  Ahoy 


First off i wanna say what a awesome mod you run great work enjoy it allot 


I go by the game tag of Slick and  play on the number 2 server a bit with some friends having a laugh along the way rolling in a slammer 



second i want to ask if there is someone i can get some info off on if its posible to run it on my dedi server (all credit to Ahoy World ofcourse )


been trying for that past weekend but am horible with things like that may as well be in chinees lol not a clue where to put stuff 


if there is someone i can pm i would appriciate it 



Thanks in advance and see you on the servers 











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Thank you will do that 





just cant seem to find how to remove the ahoy TS details that pop up in the game on my dedi when i run your mod 


already got most the ahoy tools installed ....works like a charm 


put it back to insurgency for the mean time to not cause confusion on your ts if i get randoms joining my dedi 



again thank you for having it avalible for others to run ...its such a fun mod 


Slick and Essex Rifles 

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