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#EU1 Plane servicing now the CAS jets are gone.





I would like to have your opinion about a very simple suggestion, reducing the plance service time now that the CAS spawn is 'taken' out of #EU1. I can see why the timer would be so long considering the impact a few GBU's can have on an AO, but seeing that no-one actually carries AA launchers anymore the service time for the friendly Buzzard should be reduced to like 3 minutes instead of 'about' 5.





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jump out of the vehicle being serviced, it will still be servicing while your not in it.

That kind of thing goes back to arma 1.


if your aircraft is already full of fuel it won't take as long. I'm almost sure it does it via percentage, so if your aircraft is undamaged and nearly full of motion lotion it shouldn't take nearly as long as it does when it's out of gas.


Bear in mind CAP + CAS + SEAD attack jets are super effective at what they do, it's only fair that players on the ground get an advantage

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Raz: it takes 5 minutes to service the plane. No matter if it's just a little fuel, rearm or a full repair from half death as far as I know.

And that is 5 ARMA minutes, not real minutes. If the server is running slow, it could take longer.

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Most jets IRL are between 10-20 mins on the ground turnaround time.


Perhaps should kick in the realism settings and bump it up to 15 mins! :)




As for why it takes so long for simple rearm (when say fuel and repair is fine), is because the rearm for jets was simplified a long time ago.




Do you remember when jets used to sink underground during servicing?


That is the reason why it was simplified.


Any system which tried to do dynamic checks/changes to the repair/fuel state of the jet would cause it to start to sink underground. To address that, it was made uber simple. The thought was, better a simple/robust system than one which was exposed to ArmA glitches and would cause it to explode/sink underground during service.


After reviewing real life CAS jet turnaround times, I'd say bump the service time up to 15 mins! :D

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15 minutes was the original time back when I was first toying with the Idea but I felt that 5 minutes was a bit more fair and better to keep things not too boring.  Also I believe that the original respawn time for the Jet was going to be 45 minutes but was changed due to the amount of enemy cas in the air.

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