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Hai people


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I am Origins (if you were observant you already knew that), firstly i love Arma 3 and i have tried to get into many milsim communities but many of them were poor, doing stuff which was unbelievably not sim like (apparently regs can't use pistols...only Orificers) but all that is another story.


I really do enjoy a good team oriented game like Arma is already, but most pub players arent like that. However i have met a few that are, and some of them were people from here (Supra) and it really gave me a spark of hope in public games and have been having a lot of fun (24hrs in the last 3 days) i know that may be alot, but since i got pulled on medical for the RAF, i am now looking for a job/college spot it has left me alot of free time when i am not looking.


so if you see me in the servers do say hello, and will try to fly you places with style (subject to availability of the slot), and if i am infantry i will stay by your side til i die (which also depends on my day).


Stay safe, and bugger off :P

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