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Base_Protection help


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With proper credit given on any mission it is applied to, unquestionably, might it be possible for someone to share the "amazing" base protection script that is being utilized in P03?
I cannot find anything that works as well or as intelligently as yours. (like deactivating if the base is attacked)
Your help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all.

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First of all, Patrol Ops isn't made by AhoyWorld, so the script isn't property our property. You'll have to contact the maker of PO and ask him if he wants to share his script with you. 

Second thing is that, imho, disabling spawn protection when the base is attacked is not a good way of doing things. I find that just not letting enemy's in the base is a way better solution. (Just because the one asshole who thinks he's funny when he throws a grenade at base).

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With proper credit given on any mission it is applied to, unquestionably, might it be possible for someone to share the "amazing" base protection script that is being utilized in P03?

I cannot find anything that works as well or as intelligently as yours. (like deactivating if the base is attacked)

Your help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all.




Patrol Ops 3.1 is a complicated missions, and I know you are better off asking this question there.

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