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Moddeling Mercedes Benz AMG 6x6 military style


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Do the BRABUS Version :P

Yeam my plan was 2 Civil versions and 2-3 Military


I'm not even going to lie, we have those here. 

you have them in Arma? i have looked for them on  the workshop and some other places but didn't find them

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Before commiting yourself consider it's not only the modeling:

This vehicle also would require a lot of changes to the default physics definitions file, and some custom sounds if you want to make it look right. Cannot have one of those with the default ifrit sound for example, that would look just silly.


As far as the modeling itself goes, i think you can just do it in blender or 3ds and export it to something arma can read. (not 100% sure though as i never really looked into it too deep.)

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As Kam said not just the model but sounds, vehicle physics, and then getting it to work with physx, texturing, etc etc 

From what i know you need to use something like Blender to create the model then import it with Arma tools / Eliteness  to get it into the engine, then spend your life tinkering with the dodgy coding to get it work right or as close to right as you like it :)


the main drawback is that there is very little if no documentation about how to go about it and it's mostly trial & error,

your best bet would be to jump onto the BI forums and give one of the modders (Gnat, if he's still around - haven't been on BI forums in donkeys years) that are building / porting models there a shout most are very helpful and will guide you in the right direction


Cain ^^ was referring to real life 

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