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What is your opinion on this situation?


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I'm enex, and I love to play on I&A because of teamwork, and armored warfare.Reparing people's vehicles, sharing

tips (zeroing!) and having a good chat with them.


So today did start per ussual get the ride to LZ and then find a vehicles to repair/crew.

One of those were tank driven by SuperKami.As I ran towards new AO he driven through

and disregard few people in need of pickup as well as my proposition to drive for him

and repair if necesarry.


Anyway as I try to catch up with him it was becoming an evedent

that he was driving and a gunning and he wouldn't want to settle for anything else.

As soon as someone went close he switched to driver and buzzed off.


It quite stung me of how selfish that act was so I decided to pick up ATV and

follow him see how he would react.It ended with 3 Teamkills - one by killing me

as I was healing myself, the other by him driving into a hunter killing me and

third at AO where he killed me with machinegun from tank.


His attitude was offensive: After TK he replied "Don't tell I didn't warn you"

or "I want to report to a admin an troller following me" while all along all

I wanted was to drive for him wherever he would want to.


I responded couple of times of saying "You will be reported for TK"

and he replied "good luck with that"


Anways my question here is, is this behavior acceptable on the server?

What should you do if you were in my shoes and done the same thing I did?


Thanks for feedback, and I feel very passionated about this topic so I register

here just for this purpose. -enex

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Hi enex,

A few things here that you bring up, firstly and most importantly tking is not acceptable in any case, any case.

Secondly while we encourage good team play one of the aspects of AW is that we don't mandate how people should play as long it's not to the detriment of the rest of the server. So who was in the wrong in this situation? Well I would have not been happy with the behaviour from either of you two. If the guy in the tank wants to stay on his own he can and you need to respect that decision and stay away from him, let him do his own thing. Had I been on the server and heard a complaint that someone who wanted to be in a tank on his own was being constantly being followed by someone trying to get in his tank, yeah I'd kick them after warning. The behavior you describe by yourself could easily be seen as trolling and by that token is against the rules. Saying that tking isn't right either. But in future if your services are not welcome just let them play as they want. Suoerkami is an established player and I've never seen him behave in anything but a exemplary manner. So I'm thinking you were making quite the nuisance of yourself to make him tk you three times. You by your own admission went out of your way to get a reaction from him and you did.

So lessons to be learned from this play your role but don't think other people have an obligation to play in the manner that you'd like them to. If someone isn't team playing so what? It's a 60 player sever.

Don't antagonise other players, this is what happened in the situation you describe. You went out of your way to interact with him to the point that an otherwise fair player was pushed to tk you on multiple times. Behavior like that will get kick/ban if witnessed by an admin. Remember what were you doing while this was happening? You were focused on superkami and most likely not actively engaged in repairing and helping with the mission at hand.

Remember if you have an issue on the server just ask an admin don't take it upon yourself to try and take the law into your own.

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I had to login after months of inactivity just so I can respond.. because I happened to be there and see it as a wittness.


First of all, let me state that I have (or had?) some expectations how I&A should be played, especially on its home server. I understand that this might not be what admins/owners/community members have in their mind but I honestly believe that general idea is "PTFO or GTFO" - if you do not wish to play by the rules and follow the mission format then please leave your slot to someone who would love to do so instead of you. It is not a rocket science afterall. We often see admins asking players what are they doing and if they are up to no good, they get booted from their slot (same for slot holders, afkers, etc) 


Game that OP is mentioning was in a total despair, my best comparison would be to a headless chicken - even by local standarts this was just making my head hurt and man, I am already getting used to various levels of disorder and anarchy. When this incident happened, main AO was at Molos. After several attempts to get there (neither of which was in a timely fashion) I managed to get to the AO in a wreck of a Ghosthawk which landed next to a wreck of Huron. Great, at least some luck, I was just injured. Minutes later, we have taken Molos with infantry approaching from the south, SuperKami in his SlammerUP clearing north on his own (!). When we wanted to evac (some great leader designated evac LZ right in the middle of a city by lightpoles and houses, what a genius), our trusty pilots simply didn't even bother coming. One apologized that he tried but got shot down, nevertheless, out of 5 pilot who were online at that moment, only one (!) tries and then gives up? Like I said, situation was less than optimal troughout the evening...


Situation followed like this - new AO was *just* about 2clicks to the west, so binocular run and ghettoblaster to the maximum while I run. Multiple people were interested in taking a ride in the back of SuperKamis Slammer to which he responded something like *I didn't drive 10km here to let someone steal it, sorry, but I am afraid of someone jumping in a gunner seat* and he drove to the new AO on his own. At that point, he was totally dominating the scoreboard, clearly doing his best for all of us (I dare to say his score was greater than sum of individual scores of the rest).


OP was shouting things that made me laught tbh, like, I play repair, I will fix it, I even have a crew helmet. While headprotection and fashion accessories are important, I have my doubts that it has anything to do with ones qualification to perform certain tasks (ghillie suit doesn't turn me into sniper and heli pilot coverals do not lower my crash rate in helis). He kept repeating that he wants to join to which SuperKami responded that he does not wish so - and given I have been kidnapped in a Hunter recently, I totally understand why...


What happened afterwards with teamkills is not certain to me although my opinion on that is mixed - at one point you are commander of a vehicle and you should have right to determine who can get in and who can not.. but you do not have any lock option to enforce it and with no admins around I am afraid you have to defend yourself from any harm. Whether that was a justified action or not, whether it was a provocation and harrassment... but I agree, blue-on-blue should not happen (and I still feel bad for the guy whom I shot later that night when he was lurking between enemies and I got him).



PS: after we have finished one sidemission and SuperKami was driving by towards the base, I asked him nicely to give us a ride... he came, even waited for temporarily-afk member of my squad to return, board it and gave us a ride back to the base as he was about to repair. Not just to the repair pad, he nicely drove us to helipads although he didn't have to. Just saying, people and situations like this give me back faith in humanity and teamplay on pub servers even when everything else is just a mess.

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Okay few things that I learned:


The worst that I did is to drive behind him and alongside him on the road and that is considered trolling.


Okami is establish player and one should not follow him or approach him

in any way to push him into TKing.TKing isn't right either.


@Poon: OP was shouting things (Shouting would imply me using upper cases which I haven't)

was trying to say that I'm teamplayer and dedicated crewman when it comes to I&A - I don't

know why you make fun of the helmet.It didnt meant that helmet makes up your qualification.


@Poon: "he was totally dominating the scoreboard, clearly doing his best for all of us"

Also I don't care for score - who get the most kills, I care for enjoyment of our actions like supporting

infantry on the sides or on the hill, giving the ride to people, covering fire, etc..


@ziss: "Remember what were you doing while this was happening?"

Also I was doing my job as repair spec.Marshall for example got repaired but got destryed soon after (few seconds later).


@poon: "I am afraid you have to defend yourself from any harm"

I'm not sure what harm do you have defend yourself against other fellow players or against

repair spec. for that matter?


It makes me bit sad to see that solo rambo operating a vehicles and is not discouraged.But thank

you guys for responding and not being quiet!

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Okay few things that I learned:


The worst that I did is to drive behind him and alongside him on the road and that is considered trolling.


Okami is establish player and one should not follow him or approach him

in any way to push him into TKing.TKing isn't right either.


@Poon: OP was shouting things (Shouting would imply me using upper cases which I haven't)

was trying to say that I'm teamplayer and dedicated crewman when it comes to I&A - I don't

know why you make fun of the helmet.It didnt meant that helmet makes up your qualification.


@Poon: "he was totally dominating the scoreboard, clearly doing his best for all of us"

Also I don't care for score - who get the most kills, I care for enjoyment of our actions like supporting

infantry on the sides or on the hill, giving the ride to people, covering fire, etc..


@ziss: "Remember what were you doing while this was happening?"

Also I was doing my job as repair spec.Marshall for example got repaired but got destryed soon after (few seconds later).


@poon: "I am afraid you have to defend yourself from any harm"

I'm not sure what harm do you have defend yourself against other fellow players or against

repair spec. for that matter?


It makes me bit sad to see that solo rambo operating a vehicles and is not discouraged.But thank

you guys for responding and not being quiet!



I also enjoy supporting other players instead of wrecking kills, this ain't CoD or BF afterall (ok, sometimes I topfrag as well xD). You may see me fly heli for the entire night in a 6 hour long session with only one pissbreak just to make sure we get at least some players rolling... or running with a red hat as a medic, risking my life to save others. I understand that approach to teamplay and surely I like that way of thinking.


What I was referring to with your helmet was simply the way you presented it with. First of all, you should have asked him if he needs you. You are not obliged to follow/stalk/drive in vehicle all the time and I believe that SuperKami knows how to ask for help should he need some. Your role is not bound to his vehicle and you can do your stuff when needed - rest of the time there is a rifle in your hands ;) I do appreciate your way of playing I&A and I am certainly happy that you are one of those people who play the slot they have taken.


As for what harm may happen, couple days ago I was driving Hunter HMG from the base to the AO somewhere in SW of island. Pretty long journey but I knew that it will be handy to provide support from distance. I parked on a local hill, switched to gunner seat and next thing I know we are driving into the minefield near the radio tower with tigris and marid watching us. And by we I mean my Hunter, me and some Randy (random guy) who just stole my ride with me on board. I shout to the guy on vehicle chat, I type to him to stop, I type it to sidechat, but nope, he has mistaken it with GrandTheftAuto. I managed to eject but needless to say, my vehicle was no longer mine, after all that drive, I wasn't providing any cover, I was injured somewhere ahead of everyone between enemy vehicles, infantry and mines. That fool got blasted naturally. Things like that DO happen and ever since I am very cautious regarding who is on board with me - only people who I know, trust and talk to.

Now all I want this to be is an example for all - yes, teamwork is appreciated and it is a vital key to success however we should be respecting each other instead of trolling. Especially when situation is heated a bit as it was that night when nothing seemed to work nor move smoothly people tend to get mad a bit.


Also, again, intentional TK is a no-no as it is one of server rules but we need to be able to reach to admins in situations like this to dispute them imediatelly instead of taking shots at each other.



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@poon: "I am afraid you have to defend yourself from any harm"

I'm not sure what harm do you have defend yourself against other fellow players or against

repair spec. for that matter?


I have to chip in here that in the past i have had a situation where me and a friend were in a tank, using Gunner and Commander seats. Some random got into the driver seat and started driving us straight into the AO, result is, we got blown up within minutes. So the "defend yourself from friendlies" is actualy more true then you would be able to imagine. It is a shame that besides people like you who would wish to just help, there are also people in the game that are just as selfish as Kami may have seemed at the time. I do believe that is why Kami didnt want a unknown in his vehicle, incase that unknown decided to drive straight into the enemy thinking armor meant god mode or something.


Just my 2 cents, but like said before TK'ing is not a good thing, never.

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Yes I see all your points.I guess my reason for a ride is speaking on chat one thing is john smith jumping in vehicle cuz is 

handy, another is someone crossing long distance to get you while chatting your good intention - if you offer your help

in a way that people ussualy enjoy (be a gunner, I will drve for example) majority of people will want to pick you up with vehicle.


Thanks for responses guys, I posted here to better myself and to share ; )

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My take on this, as someone who likes to drive around in vehicles.

I do understand that it's hard to let someone you don't know in the vehicle. Quite often this leaves you with a gunner that sprays ammo indiscriminately. Often hitting friendlies witch tags you, as a driver, as a teamkiller. Also wasting ammo on houses or trees while moving to the AO is quite common. Worse fear is if someone gets in your vehicle at base and start shooting at people and/or helicopters. There's nothing you can do other than get out quick to not get tagged as the killer. All this happens often enough to make you extremely paranoid by unknown people who tries to get into your vehicle. Especially people who runs after you or tries to get in without asking.


If you want to join someone, you might need to build confidence first. Ask politely, accept a no, join them with your own vehicle, perhaps an ammo truck, help with repairs, join TS and see if the driver is there etc. If the driver sees you are an ok guy, he might let you help him.


And for drivers, if someone makes an effort, give them a chance. It is actually more fun to have a full crew in a vehicle.

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