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My friend has a server and ive been  playing with 10 or so people. As  no one was on i thought i would try your servers, only one showed up with 52 people in so i thought thats just what im looking for. 


The problem was there was a hacker in there spawning planes everywhere, deleting respawning hardware. I asked if there was a admin someone reply that they hadnt seen one for 2 days and this had been going on the whole time.


So my first expericance of your servers has been ruined :( 

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My friend has a server and ive been  playing with 10 or so people. As  no one was on i thought i would try your servers, only one showed up with 52 people in so i thought thats just what im looking for. 


The problem was there was a hacker in there spawning planes everywhere, deleting respawning hardware. I asked if there was a admin someone reply that they hadnt seen one for 2 days and this had been going on the whole time.


So my first expericance of your servers has been ruined :(

Ahoy there matey! Your best bet for finding an admin would be on our teamspeak 3 server. The address for this is: ts.ahoyworld.co.uk.


Most of the time there is always one playing a game or doing something! 


Hope you have a better experience next time you visit!

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Hey caboose, our admins are defiantely around on EU time, we have some US admins too. To say somebody hasn't seen one for two days would suggest to me that actually they don't know who the admins are :P


If you have any issues, head over to TS. It's our high player count that makes us more tempting for would be hackers

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Thanks for the replys guys i know what to do now!!


Im currently trying to edit the missions we play on our private server, this is going to be interesting lol 


Loving your servers buy the way !! it was unfortunate that it happened on my first time in!

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