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Changing the map to reflect team speak etc.

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HI All

Firstly hello everyone, I have been a long time player of ahoy world but just today rented a Dedi server and noticed that you guys very kindly offer the PBO file for invade and annex, So i have used it (hope this is OK) however how do i edit the map so that i can show my team speak address and change the little "use team speak logo's" that come up. Sorry for such a noob question but im really struggling i cant seem to google the right thing.

I want to change mainly the i.p on the map and on the player listings where you selet Vortex etc. I can see a steep learning curve coming up but enjoy "playing about" so looking forward to the road ahead.

Also can I change the loading screen? Sorry for such noob questions but I'm struggling to find the answers in a complete jungle of information,

Again really hope im not doing any wrong and if i am i will take the server down. If some one is willing to help i would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance


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First you will need to de-PBO the file and you will need something like pbo manager. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369 . Then you will need to put the extracted folder in the missions folder of your arma 3 profile. should be in your documents folder as arma 3 - otherprofiles. 

C:/users/yourname/my documents/arma 3 - other profiles/yourprofilename/missions


now you will need to open the mission in the editor. Once you have done that using the units tool you will need to double click on the pilots and change the description field to fit your teamspeak info. not the init field the small box under that. You will then want to select the marker tool and select the marker that has our teamspeak info and change it accordingly.


Next you will want to either make a picture to replace our pictures with but you can delete the billboards if you want to. if you make a picture you will probably want to convert that to a paa file using the arma 3 tools that you can download from steam. please note that to convert to paa you should use a picture at about 512 x 512 px, seems to have the best quality for size trade off. but the easy (EZ) way to do it would be to place the image into the "media/images" folder and name the picture "Aw_Intro_Image.paa" and that should do it.


If you have any question just post them, but if you come on our teamspeak I could probably give you better instructions.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys,



Next you will want to either make a picture to replace our pictures with but you can delete the billboards if you want to. if you make a picture you will probably want to convert that to a paa file using the arma 3 tools that you can download from steam. please note that to convert to paa you should use a picture at about 512 x 512 px, seems to have the best quality for size trade off. but the easy (EZ) way to do it would be to place the image into the "media/images" folder and name the picture "Aw_Intro_Image.paa" and that should do it.


 So the image is now mine, but the problem i see is the wording above and below have the AW stuff in it. I would like to add my own teamspeak to the loading image borders. How do I do this?


 Also, how do i remove that massive banner that pops up when you load in? The Hints and Rules are awesome but I'd love to place my own image there with my TS info.

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I think you are talking about the image and rules and stuff that pop up when you first connect. First it is a GUI using BIS's RSC stuff. If you have never made a gui in arma before i would first suggest that you look up a tutorial on it besuase they are a bitch to work with. If you get them wrong it will crash arma when you load the mission. Also you can't really get rid of the side pop ups without getting rid of the whole thing but if you want to add or change the hints and rules you can do that in the dialogs.hpp

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I think you are talking about the image and rules and stuff that pop up when you first connect. First it is a GUI using BIS's RSC stuff. If you have never made a gui in arma before i would first suggest that you look up a tutorial on it besuase they are a bitch to work with. If you get them wrong it will crash arma when you load the mission. Also you can't really get rid of the side pop ups without getting rid of the whole thing but if you want to add or change the hints and rules you can do that in the dialogs.hpp



  I just want to change the image, everything else is fine..

I got it



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  • 3 months later...

@BACONMOP Sorry to bring this old topic back to life, but I am currently editing your build a bit (still leaving all recognition to original dev team) and was wondering how to change the TS3 details that pop up every now and then on screen. It's the one that pops up on the right hand side warning players that side channel is a bit temperamental so please use TS3 then gives your TS3 details I've changed all the others it is just that last one.


Where can this be found? I'm probably over looking it but for the life of me i cannot find it. :unsure:

Thanks in advance

Jim :)

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Once again thank you BACONMOP


I will start my tweak again and use that, it was what I was using in the first place  (doh). So I must of broken something along the way and then just tried to over complicate things.


Outstanding help thank you. :wub:  :P

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