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2.79E questions


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Hello, recently DL'd most recent version and its great. Its been some time since my last "new" version of I&A so great job.

My question is 2 part, I can see that the side mission spawns before main AO, or at least it seems that way, I get a script error for side missions, basically it looks like the side mission is waiting for the main AO to load before it can find its location to spawn. No huge deal, just thought I would pass it along, not too sure if that presumption is correct.


Now to my question/s. On our DS I see when the 1st side mission spawns instead of having the name of side mission on marker it states "ANY", now this happens for the 1st side mission that spawns, so far all other side missions that follow show side mission name on marker. In my editor this does not happen, it shows side mission name at start. Is this something I can open up and fix, anyone else have this? Is this a bug, on my end, may be a script I added which happens on DS?


Lastly, the sling does not work, I see the "callcompile" file is in the sling folder but not anywhere else, can someone explain how I need to set up the sling. I have tried several attempts, edited the sling attach folder to only allow Mohawk to lift and no success.


thanks for response and great missions.


suggestion for future side missions, water ops, deliver supplies, save an outpost from being overrun.

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saw this on the Ahoy server the other day too,


mentioned it to BACONMOP at the time,   I can't recall if it was the "first" side mission to spawn after a reset .. it might have been.


but there have been a few cases lately where the map marker says "take radar" or something .. but the actual side mission is "secure intel" and the relevant side mission spawns incorrectly.




with the latest increase in server population  side missions just get obliterated so quickly,  in fact the AO's drop like flies...


I know it's not possible without killing the server to run multiple AO's but would Multiple Side missions  with a faster re-spawn or side missions be possible ?

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Hello, recently DL'd most recent version and its great. Its been some time since my last "new" version of I&A so great job.

My question is 2 part, I can see that the side mission spawns before main AO, or at least it seems that way, I get a script error for side missions, basically it looks like the side mission is waiting for the main AO to load before it can find its location to spawn. No huge deal, just thought I would pass it along, not too sure if that presumption is correct.

 That is correct. The side missions need to find the AO so that they don't spawn inside of the current AO.



Now to my question/s. On our DS I see when the 1st side mission spawns instead of having the name of side mission on marker it states "ANY", now this happens for the 1st side mission that spawns, so far all other side missions that follow show side mission name on marker. In my editor this does not happen, it shows side mission name at start. Is this something I can open up and fix, anyone else have this? Is this a bug, on my end, may be a script I added which happens on DS?


Lastly, the sling does not work, I see the "callcompile" file is in the sling folder but not anywhere else, can someone explain how I need to set up the sling. I have tried several attempts, edited the sling attach folder to only allow Mohawk to lift and no success.


 The issue with the side mission showing up with any is new to me and I will try to look into it at some point in the near future (no promises though). 

The issue with sling loading should have been fixed as of version 2.79D, however the stance that I have taken on the sling loading is to just wait about one more week and just use the sling loading that is going to come with the helicopter DLC.

with the latest increase in server population  side missions just get obliterated so quickly,  in fact the AO's drop like flies...


I know it's not possible without killing the server to run multiple AO's but would Multiple Side missions  with a faster re-spawn or side missions be possible ?


Not really possible to have another ao up as it would kill server performance, I can try to increase the ai at main AO's however it would result in lowered performance.

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This issue has been resolved for next I&A version.

BIS changed some global marker stuff in the 1.32 update, which caused changes to global markers to not sync themselves between server and clients. When you first join the game, the server will send you the correct information on the marker. When the server updates the marker while you are ingame, it no longer sends the correct information to you on its own. Needs a little scripting nudge to send you the correct marker data. Naturally, had to go and fix what BIS broke :).

Behind the scenes: (with respect to global markers)

setMarkerPos = still global

setMarkerAlpha = still global

setMarkerColor = still global

setMarkerText = not global anymore, so we have to synchronize it with a publicVariable now.

For what its worth, the sling has also been fixed for next version.

However it is moot at this point due to BIS sling loading coming. However, there is a very real chance that BIS sling loading won't work/be buggy as hell for some time, so its handy to have a working spare!

As far as performance, there is always a balance. Too many enemies = horrible FPS. Too few enemies = boring experience. When I was actively administrating/developing on one server, I used time as a yardstick, and aimed for AOs to take around 45 mins. to complete.

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This issue has been resolved for next I&A version.
As far as performance, there is always a balance. Too many enemies = horrible FPS. Too few enemies = boring experience. When I was actively administrating/developing on one server, I used time as a yardstick, and aimed for AOs to take around 45 mins. to complete.

good skills,


I don't think over populating the AO with enemies is the best course,


maybe even,  split the same amount of AI over two separate AO's


I'm just thinking  out loud,  that splitting up the player teams to cycle through smaller more fluid AO's  or multiple smaller squad sized side missions.


to give the possibility of dedicated team play for small organised squads, 


the downside though is that the huge fully populated server of p[layers could easily swamp a small AO .. and there's little to mitigate the "unwanted"  persons who just want to drive headlong into an AO

or those idiots that encourage pilots to just "Land in the town next to that AA tank so I don't have to walk!"

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