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HOTAS for flight sims?


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So i'm thinking about getting myself some HOTAS (joystick & throttle) and cant really decide what to get. Would be nice with some input from u guys. Also thinking about pedals.. Is there any cheap out there? Haven't decided on a budget yet but if i could get away with less than £200 that would be nice :)





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200 pounds for both HOTAS and padles? or just for the HOTAS? And are you planning on buying them in sweden, or from amazon or somewhere else? this may affect the price a lot.


There are not that many rudder padles out there, Saitek has 2 types(normal and combat), CH products have one and then there are the MFG Crosswind padles (cost like 300 pounds)


There is not much more choice with a decent HOTAS. like Cain mentioned the Trustmaster HOTAS X, then there are the Saitek X52(and the pro version) and X55(on the price limit).


I believe Hoax uses a CH products flightstick pro, which he finds really nice. though its not much for looks, he saids its a really good and responsive flightstick. Also I found that CH products are generally hard to find.

Edited by Stuffedsheep
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I looked into saitek x55 and it seems like a good HOTAS and u can get it for like £150 here in sweden. Though nobody seems to have it in stock. @sheep: Yea I was looking into the normal rudder that saitek has but its kinda expensive and I also wonder how good it is... guess rudder could wait. Stick and throttle is more important.

@Cain: How is the precision on that stick? Good enough for games like dcs: warthog?

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well the CH products padles are a bit cheaper, and I have read some really good reviews about them. And from what I've read, I would buy the CH paddles. but thats my opinion. 


and the x55 had some negative reviews in may, I dont know if saitek addressed some of those issues, but its worth finding out.

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Gonna lookup those paddles! Yeah iv'e heard that aswell at the same time iv'e heard that they had no problem with it... So it's kinda hard to know. I mean even the thrustmaster warthog had problems. And if it's broken u can always return it :) Thanks for the tip on the paddles.

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