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Mistakenly banned

Denis P

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No idea how this happened. A person was tk'ing (or so I assume) while I was helping my squad just like any other time I play. Suddenly, I get a message straight in my face. "You were kicked off the game.(BattlEye: (Admin Ban tk ignoring admin/zis FLOSS IS BOSS))


I assume that the admin attempting to ban this person FLOSS IS BOSS mistakenly clicked on my name instead of the actual teamkiller's name. As such, I have been unfairly and unjustifiably banned from your server. I do like your server and I know that people can easily make mistakes, and as such, I hope this unjust ban will be lifted soon.



Denis P

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Good... But what about the FLOSS IS BOSS fellow? He was still playing in the server even after I got unbanned,..

It was only a 60 minute ban. After you mistakenly got banned, floss finally spoke with Zissou.

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Yeah Sorry haven't seen this till just now. 

Yes it was me who mistakenly banned you and as soon as it was noticed (within 30 seconds by another admin) we went about lifting the ban immediately. I do apologise for my mistake and hope you can continue to play on the servers.

Yes it was indeed the player mentioned above who was the focus hence the reason that we give the names (admin and bannee) as well as the reason, while it's still a ball ache you were able to see that it wasn't you we were after and you knew who to mention had banned you.

Either way I apoplgise again and look forward to seeing you on our servers!


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Yeah Sorry haven't seen this till just now. 

Yes it was me who mistakenly banned you and as soon as it was noticed (within 30 seconds by another admin) we went about lifting the ban immediately. I do apologise for my mistake and hope you can continue to play on the servers.

Yes it was indeed the player mentioned above who was the focus hence the reason that we give the names (admin and bannee) as well as the reason, while it's still a ball ache you were able to see that it wasn't you we were after and you knew who to mention had banned you.

Either way I apoplgise again and look forward to seeing you on our servers!


You should just be happy I didn't screenie when you stripped for me in the parking lot. >_>

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