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-Script change to base protection.

Allow spawn protection to switch off when opfor near. Will make it easier for players to take them down and let zeus run base attack missions.


-Give admins 20 VAS loadout slots back.

execute:      vas_customslots = 19;       On admin Login to restore 20 slots.


-Remove Opfor static weapons from vas box. Being set up at base by twits.


-New Base design

I dunno about the public but id love to see some more buildings and objects or change of layout. 


- Side missions at sea?

All that water and we don't use it.


Few thoughts.

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Take a look how the side missions are done now. Each side mission has its own script in a simple modular way. It's quite simple to add new side missions once they are made. You know quite a bit about scripting in arma yourself. Why don't you try create a side mission set at sea. I'm certain it's going to be added when it's done :-)

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I am not sitting on the box so I do not have final say with what gets hosted .. However, ill respond in brief:


-Script change to base protection.

Allow spawn protection to switch off when opfor near. Will make it easier for players to take them down and let zeus run base attack missions.


The spawn protection is there to stay, however for next version (that I release), there is a toggle switch for admins. There are BLUFOR assets (including respawn point) external to the airbase in next version, and there is no spawn protection at those areas, so watch your back! The airbase is very tactically uninteresting, flat ground, and some considerations need to be made for when there is no staff on and players still want to safely spawn and play the game. 


-Give admins 20 VAS loadout slots back.

execute:      vas_customslots = 19;       On admin Login to restore 20 slots.


Admins don't have time to actually play the game.


-Remove Opfor static weapons from vas box. Being set up at base by twits.


Thank BIS for adding statics that could be assembled enemies (ie BLUFOR setting up an OPFOR static).


-New Base design

I dunno about the public but id love to see some more buildings and objects or change of layout. 


It's been considered many times. For several reasons it's stayed at the terminal, not least among them is that it is a comfort zone for players. They know where they are, and its been that way for many months. 


- Side missions at sea?

All that water and we don't use it.


Zeus curator can do just about anything. Novelty missions such as that are best left to a curator, as the scripted approach--from experience--is lacking, when it comes to sea engagements. 





And as the guys said above, the side mission set is now quite modular, so if you come up with a neat mission, follow the rough format given and simpy drop it in or send it to me. If it's good, I'll put you as the author and add it to the set. If you don't know how to script it, give me a brief on what you want it to be, in some detail.


I try to build one side mission for each main release. This past release, has a new series of 'Secure Intel' missions, which have a slightly different flavor than the others. To give editors an idea of what is possible, so it would be cool to see some other people cooking up their own side missions to add to the heap :)

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