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Insted of bugging an admin I thought I would post a thread about somethings I have found on this version easier for you to reference.

Some things may be bugs some maybe intended and you may be aware of some of the things I will mention but just incase you are not aware of them I will list them below.


1. Mortars are back in the ammobox

2. Not sure if there are base defences ( didnt see them when I first logged in today )

3. No option to turn grass off

4. After a while there are alot of friendly empty avatars standing around the spawn area.

5. A pilot asked about the lifting height display and passenger list not showing up

6. Is an object clean up script running, as there was alot of stuff lying about base last time I was there along with the blank people?

7. Unsure what you have planned for the revive and side missions will have to wait and see about that one :)


Apart from that I have noticed a great improvement to fps so thankyou all who have been trying to sort everything out.

See you on the battlefield.

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Insted of bugging an admin I thought I would post a thread about somethings I have found on this version easier for you to reference.

Some things may be bugs some maybe intended and you may be aware of some of the things I will mention but just incase you are not aware of them I will list them below.


1. Mortars are back in the ammobox - Should be fixed in f

2. Not sure if there are base defences ( didnt see them when I first logged in today ) -  Check the laptops in ATC tower

3. No option to turn grass off - Grass

4. After a while there are alot of friendly empty avatars standing around the spawn area. - Bacon broke Revive

5. A pilot asked about the lifting height display and passenger list not showing up

6. Is an object clean up script running, as there was alot of stuff lying about base last time I was there along with the blank people? - Bacon still broke the revive

7. Unsure what you have planned for the revive and side missions will have to wait and see about that one :) - Once again Bacon broke revive, fixed in f


Apart from that I have noticed a great improvement to fps so thankyou all who have been trying to sort everything out.

See you on the battlefield.


Replied where I can, most should be fixed in F version which should be up today! 


Thanks for this though :)

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In terms of the revive script the A3 wounding system, which is what we were trying to use, has proven to be too unreliable to use in a persistent missions like I&A so for the time being we are going to switch back to BTC revive.

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Indeed, the FPS has incrased greatly :D So many thanks guys!

Also, you'll now be able to reiliably capture enemy assets (such as tanks and attack helos) by downing them and then have a friendly engineer

repair specialist repair them to working state. I have to ask, however, is this a feature (working as intended) or is this actally a bug, and shouldn't we thus (be able to) do so? 

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Insted of bugging an admin I thought I would post a thread about somethings I have found on this version easier for you to reference.

Some things may be bugs some maybe intended and you may be aware of some of the things I will mention but just incase you are not aware of them I will list them below.


1. Mortars are back in the ammobox

2. Not sure if there are base defences ( didnt see them when I first logged in today )

3. No option to turn grass off

4. After a while there are alot of friendly empty avatars standing around the spawn area.

5. A pilot asked about the lifting height display and passenger list not showing up

6. Is an object clean up script running, as there was alot of stuff lying about base last time I was there along with the blank people?

7. Unsure what you have planned for the revive and side missions will have to wait and see about that one :)


Apart from that I have noticed a great improvement to fps so thankyou all who have been trying to sort everything out.

See you on the battlefield.


The below may be different depending on editing done.


1. Could have been removed from restricted list in VAS box. Or, BIS may have added new statics with 1.20.


2. Laptop in control tower to activate airbase defense.


3. No-grass option was deliberately removed from the code for gameplay reasons. Toggling the config option won't do anything, as that entire section of the code is simply gone. I suppose an older version of it could be restored. I find no-grass to be unsportsmanlike, both in pvp and pve.


4. Laptop in control tower cycles base cleanup.


5. Lifting height display was removed when leaning out heavy lift code. Passenger list is on a (slowed down) 5 second update loop, meaning a passenger can get in and will not be displayed in the manifest for up to 5 seconds. 


6. See #4.


7. clarified above. Side missions are acquired from the officer upstairs in the briefing room at base. Side missions have all been re-coded to include the ability to fail them, and there is a completely new side mission (Secure Intel) in the list. From my understanding, the markers used for the urban mission set may have been removed, which would render the urban mission broken. not my problem :)


8. Vehicle locks have--from my understanding--not been removed, meaning if you are accessing enemy vehicles, they have been spawned in via Zeus.


9. Fun fact: UAV operator (only them) can now fix the 'dead spawned uavs' problem on their own, from a laptop in the control tower. This will likely be made more obvious in future versions. At the moment, only experienced in-the-know players would learn about it, not very noob friendly.



2.75 is the first I&A version to use--for the most part--ArmA 3 code structure. Much of the processing has been offloaded from the server CPU onto client CPU, in turn raising server performance and thus also, client performance.

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