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ArmA III - Game night suggestions


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What i have observed from game night scenarios posted on the forums lately, id recommend going outside the box

with military conflict standpoints and try different aspects and "gamemodes".


For example.


Organized crime

Missions that involve enemies dressed in civilian clothing mixed along with civilians and storylines more about

sabotaging drug related operations around the island.


Infiltration & Assassinations 

PvP mode where few players are to infiltrate a certain place or assassinate a player, such as eliminate a drug kingpinat his villa

middle of the night and guards can only use flashlights. Also requires some commitment, so dead players won't be shouting anything

and not running around like maniacs until alerted. Or perhaps stop assassination of government official giving a public speech to a crowd of civilians.



but if people still prefer military scenarios, then we should at least try and do a Last Stand scenario, if only there were flashbangs

and such, then would like to see some hostage situations as well.





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I was thinking of making a hostage rescue type mission for the pub event on the 17th.. Tho you beat me to mentioning it, also im looking at making a bomb defusal type mission where you have to search locations for intel on what the code is etc..



Im alittle stumped at IRL work stuff atm, so I havent done anything scripting\mission location wise yet, but it shouldnt take too long etching out something and polishing it.


Hope that sheds some light on what I am thinking of Public event wise. =) 


And thank you for giving some tips on what to make, I too like diversity.

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That is not something we are aiming for with public gamenights as it should be easily available to the public, so you can just jump in with vanilla arma, not downloading tonnes of mods before joining the server =).


Edit: I forgot to mention that events where you have to sign up, like taki patrols etc. will use mods like before. So fear not i have some stuff in the works that will come later on.

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i would like to see a hostage rescue, but with mods like acre and so on


I think in the case of pvp and a hostage rescue mission, Task Force Radio will work better, because you can steal enemy radios and listen in on there conversations.


But as Christiansen mentioned, the point is to keep it vanilla so everyone can join.

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i would like to see a hostage rescue, but with mods like acre and so on


could also be phrased as:


"I would like to see a hostage rescue, but with almost no players and with 30 minutes of time spent setting up beforehand"



There are some really awesome modded up servers out there running good missions, with awesome FPS too cause they're empty and no one plays on them.

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Air superiority would be a great way to train dogfighting.

Blufor/opfor PVP both sides with Buzzard[CAS] or any other plane respawning west/east of altis.

I could probably work on a mission file for this if there is a interest here in the community.

Personally It would be even cooler to have two USAF nimitz carrier ships for both sides but as stuffedsheep mentioned it is better to keep it "vanilla".

I appreciate if it might be possible to have nimitz all through  :P

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could also be phrased as:


"I would like to see a hostage rescue, but with almost no players and with 30 minutes of time spent setting up beforehand"



There are some really awesome modded up servers out there running good missions, with awesome FPS too cause they're empty and no one plays on them.


I dont see as why it should take 30mins to get set as if you actually try to test if everything works before the event is set you should have no problems at all. Tho if people decide to postpone the download of mods etc. you will usually get trouble..

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="thetryder" data-cid="18834" data-time="1399465328"><p>
Air superiority would be a great way to train dogfighting.<br />
Blufor/opfor PVP both sides with Buzzard[CAS] or any other plane respawning west/east of altis.<br />
I could probably work on a mission file for this if there is a interest here in the community.<br />
Personally It would be even cooler to have two USAF nimitz carrier ships for both sides but as stuffedsheep mentioned it is better to keep it "vanilla".<br />
I appreciate if it might be possible to have nimitz all through :P</p></blockquote>

Search for Top Gun on steam work shop to get your Armadale air combat fix, we also had a similar top gun map posted here somewhere, can't find it at the moment though. Would also suggest DCS (Flaming Drongos 3) as Armadale sucks for Air combat really,

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I dont see as why it should take 30mins to get set as if you actually try to test if everything works before the event is set you should have no problems at all. Tho if people decide to postpone the download of mods etc. you will usually get trouble..




the way to do it successfully, from my experience:


plan the mission for 1/3 of expected, and don't wait for people to get their stuff working.


and for the first few missions, make them easier than you otherwise would.

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Quick update: Been working on a 10v10 pvp map on stratis, key notes are : sabotage and ambush,intel search.. Wil update when im finished with stuff in the backend of the mission, considering making it a permadeath or long respawn time, tho I dont know if this will make players more tactical or just whine and leave ? 

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