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Gameday invitation

Lorenzo {JTF2}

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What's up again...too many posts in one day, I must sound a bloody creep right? :P

Well back to the matter at hand.

A few weeks back I've invited you chaps from AW to play with us folks from JTF2 in a fun PVP game, hardcore style. However I forgot to inform the day when it was going to happen. NOT AGAIN! This time I'm reinviting to do the same thing, this time on MAY 10TH, 2:00PM EST, so that mean round 6:00 or 8:00 PM to english and euro chaps. The mods will be the same before (Task Force Radio and CBA required, VTS, Blastcore, JSRS 2.1 supported), and no need to confirm here, just show up in time and it's all good. And all members of the community that want to play dynamic missions pvp on hardcore mode are invited too, even if you're not from the AW clan, but follows them and play without a problem on their server.

Anything hit me up here on Teamspeak from time to time, I'm there most nights.




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'Ello peeps.

Just bringing new updates.

The A3 MP mod is a go, we're going on takistan and/or chernarus to go Dynamic PvP gaming. One of the missions I can assure is a hostage rescue, so crazy civis get your craziness on and join the show.

Also we might run also on the R3F armes you guys did on takistan patrol event last week, so keep 'em on too.

Cheers gents.

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Hey y'all sorry I couldn't keep up with the news but since Chris here pinged me about it here are the mods for all to download and prepare for saturday:

CBA, Task Force Radio and R3F_Armes are the mandatory ones.

The ones optional are JSRS 2.1, Blastcore and VTS weapon resting.

Anything else hit me up here on the topic or PM me.


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