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I am Falling Cloud (Same on the A3 I&A), also known as No One, and Alex.

I recently joined the server ('Bout Mar-20-14)  and started playing on it more regularly,

and I can say that it is the best and most enjoyable Arma server I've came across.



If anyone could help me here, though, that'd be great!

I'm trying to run the accepted addons and I can't join the I&A EU #1 Server. The addons I'm trying to run with it are: CBA, BlastCore, JSRS 2.1, TAO Foldmap, Task Force Radio, and VTS Weaponresting. I keep getting Session Lost whenever I try to join with those addons loaded. I have no others loaded.

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All I can suggest is to ensure you have the up-to-date versions of all the mods. If that doesn't work try disabling Tao folding map (Not sure if the server key has been updated to the newest one) and if that doesn't work my last suggestion would be to try verifying your steam cache. 

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Literally never heard of that problem before... Although if you don't run CBA that makes sense as most of the mods need it to work anyway. Have you gone through and tested every mod individually? I guess you have as you found out CBA makes it not work? 

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Welcome to AhoyWorld! What version of CBA are you using? I've checked the server keys and we have beta5 (the current version) and it looks like we have keys for everything else you've listed too.

I'm using Beta 5.


Literally never heard of that problem before... Although if you don't run CBA that makes sense as most of the mods need it to work anyway. Have you gone through and tested every mod individually? I guess you have as you found out CBA makes it not work? 

Yes, I've tested them individually, but they won't load unless I've got CBA loaded.

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