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Errors, Improvements and Suggestions


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Much to my delight and, hopefully, the delight of the people using it, this site is now getting near-properly used. I hope to get as many people as I can interested so we can all help make this a proper gaming community!

That is of course a team effort. The use of the forums is already blindingly brilliant and the place immediately has a really good feel to it - we just need to get even more people interested. Grab everyone you can - everyone you play games with or talk to on a regular basis. We'll get this place used so we can all help, share and create!

On top of that, it's important to note that this site is barely in its infancy. It's sitting on a brand new forum software named XenForo and, through the use of various PHP hacks and a hell of a lot of CSS, looks how it looks today. There will be errors. There will be grey text on grey backgrounds and transparent blocks where no transparent blocks should be. If you see anything you think needs to be changed - tell me. Take a screenshot if you have to or just explain the problem.

The above even stretches to improvements and suggestions for the site. Do you want to see something implemented that isn't already? Or something that you think could be done better? Things like trophies and awards, application systems or even a gallery of default avatars. If you think of it, suggest it.

As a final word - signatures appear in the majority of forums and most people like them. The idea of the layout of this site, however, is to keep it as clean as possible. Huge signatures bursting at the seams with BBCode and images would only serve to ruin a currently-clean-looking set-up. I have thought of allowing, like the status updates, 140 characters or so for a motto or a favourite quote. Even that however would distract from the content. What do you think?

UPDATE: Please post all problems in the "Help & Support" forum and all improvements and suggestions in the aptly-named "Improvements & Suggestions" forum.

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when you create a thread, you can scale images as you write it, unfortunatly however you scale it is completely ignored when you actually post,

The scaling will just be a feature of the browser - not the forums. Seeing as the posting area has different dimensions to the final thread view, flexibly resizing the images wouldn't produce the desired output anyway.

How about the ability to give custom dimensions to your images that would keep the aspect ratio? That may well be possible and would be more viable than flexibly resizing in the definitely-not-WYSIWYG editor.

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Much to my delight and, hopefully, the delight of the people using it, this site is now getting near-properly used. I hope to get as many people as I can interested so we can all help make this a proper gaming community!

That is of course a team effort. The use of the forums is already blindingly brilliant and the place immediately has a really good feel to it - we just need to get even more people interested. Grab everyone you can - everyone you play games with or talk to on a regular basis. We'll get this place used so we can all help, share and create!

On top of that, it's important to note that this site is barely in its infancy. It's sitting on a brand new forum software named XenForo and, through the use of various PHP hacks and a hell of a lot of CSS, looks how it looks today. There will be errors. There will be grey text on grey backgrounds and transparent blocks where no transparent blocks should be. If you see anything you think needs to be changed - tell me. Take a screenshot if you have to or just explain the problem.

The above even stretches to improvements and suggestions for the site. Do you want to see something implemented that isn't already? Or something that you think could be done better? Things like trophies and awards, application systems or even a gallery of default avatars. If you think of it, suggest it.

As a final word - signatures appear in the majority of forums and most people like them. The idea of the layout of this site, however, is to keep it as clean as possible. Huge signatures bursting at the seams with BBCode and images would only serve to ruin a currently-clean-looking set-up. I have thought of allowing, like the status updates, 140 characters or so for a motto or a favourite quote. Even that however would distract from the content. What do you think?


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Yeah, there was only a link for Insert when she tried it.

Aye, that'll appear when you just click the "Insert/edit image" button above the text area. Use the "Upload a File" button below the text area to browse for files. The one you were using is mainly for inserting web images. I'll make the distinction clearer.

EDIT: Now changed the button you were using to use the tooltip "Insert / Edit Image from Web (URL)".

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Another problem is the font color of the text when i hover over a member in the 'registered members' page is white, which doesn't show up on the page. On a similar note, could the background in these entry areas be lightened to a lighter grey?

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could the background in these entry areas be lightened to a lighter grey?

i argree this background clour is very hard to see what your typeing could you change this please or give us the option of changing it ourselfs for example in word a change background clour tool. also could you add the spell checker option in aswell just it would improve the website aswell

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James - I'm aware of the issue regarding the Steam Association trophy. While the trophy is still active the actual code that does the check is commented out and not being used while I fix it. It will be working shortly and you'll get your trophy as soon as I integrate it.

Ciaran - Good spot. I'll edit the CSS later today and give a quick update when I'm done. If anything I'll just give the pop-ups a border, a bit of drop-shadow and black text. In terms of the entry areas - are you talking about where you input text? Mine is pure white with black text.

UPDATE: Tried on a couple of different browsers and I can see the problem. Should be fixed now.

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Currently mine is pure white with black text, however earlier it was a dark grey

Yep that's fine - I've just changed it now. A CSS "!important" switch wasn't being used where it should've been. Also, the issue regarding the hover-over pop-ups has been fixed too. They'll be fully opaque after I flush out the forum's cache. For now they're about 40% transparent with black text - I'll flush out the cache later today.

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could you add in a spell checker tool

I'm sure it's very possible - I'll just need to look at where to grab the dictionaries from. It's not an oft-used feature these days as the majority of modern browsers will spell-check text inputted by default.

and background changer tool

Do you mean a background colour changer for the text-input box? A background changer for individual posts? For the forum as a whole? Which background do you want to change?

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Another problem I have is that I (and I presume others in the Team Member group) can't edit my (our) own posts. It comes up with an error message saying that the time limit of 0 has expired.

Edit: thanks for the fix jack

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