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2.71 is unplayable

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It was happening to me at around 10pm, It took about 10 attempts to load into the server. I seen a lot of people getting disconnected around that same time but the server was staying at around 40 people, so i guess it wasn't as bad as last time it happened on the old version. I can send you the .rpt files if you need them  :)

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It was happening to me at around 10pm, It took about 10 attempts to load into the server. I seen a lot of people getting disconnected around that same time but the server was staying at around 40 people, so i guess it wasn't as bad as last time it happened on the old version. I can send you the .rpt files if you need them  :)


mind sending me a copy

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I was on when a seemingly large exodus happened. Around 15 players disconnected at the exact same time. There was no losing connection message and around 5 of them were steam ticket failures. I do not however seem to suffer from any issues logging in or staying on, ill keep an eye out for any issues I have.

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Not sure is any of this is helpful but worth mentioning.


  • I've found loading the mission these days takes much longer
  • The server is stated as full but when one single slot open and I join there are about 10+ empty slots when i get to the lobby.
  • Also my ping seems awful since the update, whereas it used to be around 30-70 since I started playing back in March/April last year, its often now in the 150-300 range (that could just be my connection, but it seems odd as since last year I've actually upgraded my speeds) and I get a lot of disconnection issues I never seemed to have before.
  • Lag seems worse than usual as well (again could be my connection but I've heard lots of others mention it on side chat at the same time).
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Not sure is any of this is helpful but worth mentioning.


  • I've found loading the mission these days takes much longer
  • The server is stated as full but when one single slot open and I join there are about 10+ empty slots when i get to the lobby.
  • Also my ping seems awful since the update, whereas it used to be around 30-70 since I started playing back in March/April last year, its often now in the 150-300 range (that could just be my connection, but it seems odd as since last year I've actually upgraded my speeds) and I get a lot of disconnection issues I never seemed to have before.
  • Lag seems worse than usual as well (again could be my connection but I've heard lots of others mention it on side chat at the same time).


The empty slots are extra slots provided so that people can have desired slots. The ping problem could be because of a faulty node somewhere in Europe that is reporting incorrect latency. My normal ping of 160-200 jumps to 430-500 because of this causing me to be booted off many times. If your internet relies on copper cabling then higher bandwidths are more prone to instability. I have this problem as well.

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The empty slots are extra slots provided so that people can have desired slots. The ping problem could be because of a faulty node somewhere in Europe that is reporting incorrect latency. My normal ping of 160-200 jumps to 430-500 because of this causing me to be booted off many times. If your internet relies on copper cabling then higher bandwidths are more prone to instability. I have this problem as well.


Sounds about right.


Interesting about the slots, never knew that.

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Firstly let me say this is possibly the most  stable version and the cleanest in terms of consistant performance.

that we have had, some of the changes are great and long may it continue to be developed :)


BUT, there are still a few niggles and I'm sorry I don'tknow if it's BIS / Server / mission / connection


From Last nights play, I encountered the following :


Stable frames for about an hour or so after mission restart,

then eventually the frames drop by 40%  to around 15 fps

map markers begin to freeze in place  (player and vehicle positions)

and soon after playability drops below acceptable levels (for Arma ... this is below 10 frames)


it seems like a buffer somewhere just gets full then overflows and kills it ... a slow process with a sudden flood of errors.


and eventually "Connection Lost"  for everyone involved, 


like I say .. no idea what it is but if I'm on I'm happy to help stress test or run any kind of error reporting etc. if you want us to

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Same when I was on last night, joined mid session and fps was ok low 20's, played 40/50 minutes before server took a dump noticed fps steadily dropping as time went until dump,

I also noticed a few lines of vas & jsrs errors in the rpt when I was looking at the sling script (see other post) I'll have a look again tonight and see what they were and report them, might or might not be related or client (my) side I think most likely as one was about the night stalker & mrco scopes which I don't think are not in the vas any more but I have listed in my vas save slot,

Also had a BE kick later on (client not responding), which was odd as I rarely if ever get them

Also just a thought, I know it shouldn't in theory cause issues but it is Arma after all,

But could the hidden slots be wigging out the game in some way, this pops as an error in rpt too something like "error in description number of roles (57) description 45"

Also the crew monitor, I know it's handy but it gets called to refresh every 60seconds and each time it refreshes an entry written to client (maybe server too) rpt for every client inside a vehicle that has to be a hit somewhere

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Firstly let me say this is possibly the most  stable version and the cleanest in terms of consistant performance.

that we have had, some of the changes are great and long may it continue to be developed :)


BUT, there are still a few niggles and I'm sorry I don'tknow if it's BIS / Server / mission / connection


From Last nights play, I encountered the following :


Stable frames for about an hour or so after mission restart,

then eventually the frames drop by 40%  to around 15 fps

map markers begin to freeze in place  (player and vehicle positions)

and soon after playability drops below acceptable levels (for Arma ... this is below 10 frames)


it seems like a buffer somewhere just gets full then overflows and kills it ... a slow process with a sudden flood of errors.


and eventually "Connection Lost"  for everyone involved, 


like I say .. no idea what it is but if I'm on I'm happy to help stress test or run any kind of error reporting etc. if you want us to



first you say it is most stable version, then you say there are catastrophic instabilities after 1 hour of server uptime ...


I am confused. :)



Same when I was on last night, joined mid session and fps was ok low 20's, played 40/50 minutes before server took a dump noticed fps steadily dropping as time went until dump,

I also noticed a few lines of vas & jsrs errors in the rpt when I was looking at the sling script (see other post) I'll have a look again tonight and see what they were and report them, might or might not be related or client (my) side I think most likely as one was about the night stalker & mrco scopes which I don't think are not in the vas any more but I have listed in my vas save slot,

Also had a BE kick later on (client not responding), which was odd as I rarely if ever get them

Also just a thought, I know it shouldn't in theory cause issues but it is Arma after all,

But could the hidden slots be wigging out the game in some way, this pops as an error in rpt too something like "error in description number of roles (57) description 45"

Also the crew monitor, I know it's handy but it gets called to refresh every 60seconds and each time it refreshes an entry written to client (maybe server too) rpt for every client inside a vehicle that has to be a hit somewhere





If you could post the actual lines that would be handy. 


this line is just a report, not an error or loop. almost every mission has it.



Mission co40_AW_Invade_Annex_2_71f.Altis: Number of roles (57) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (45)



If they are the LODShape LoadHandler errors then no need. those are in every MP mission due to engine bugs related to those optics.





LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_arco_f.p3d]



There's also a really nasty one with the black MX with attached suppressor.


weapon:"arifle_MX_SW_Black_F" with 7 modes needs weapon mode with index 5, but given silencer(muzzle_snds_H) has only 5 modes



Those are BI issues that cant be fixed except by removing the items from the mission.

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The TAW view distance script (via action menu) does not work properly in this version - you can change VD accordingly but "Grass settings" seems to be broken a bit - you can select low, normal, high - those work - but if you want to select none - it acts as if you selected normal. It seems to also override Game settings (relevant is Terrain quality setting - low equals no grass and lower polygon count of terrain) so no matter what you set up, this broken script overrides it.


This is a problem for players with lower end PCs (grass rendering kills performance), this is a problem in minefields, this is a problem on flat hilltops where you can't see enemies trough grass but AI does not give a shit and headshots you 99% of a time. This is not a problem for people who run everything on ultra.


This script worked in previous versions, what have you done to break it? :D


Also, I like how this version works and all new stuff that was implemented, just tell me, why does this version run 20 FPS less on average than 2.70e which can be found on [GER] 132. Division spezielle Operationen server? That version is missing some features (and has some extra), but it runs significantly smoother on my rig (+20 fps on average!!!) Also it doesn't crash players... (sadly that server has bad connection and is almost always desynced if there are more than 30 peeps). If I were you I would download it, unpbo and figure out why is that version so smooth... I have it confirmed from other friends that it runs really smoother compared to 2.71.


Anyway, keep improving, you are my heroes :P

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first you say it is most stable version, then you say there are catastrophic instabilities after 1 hour of server uptime ...


I am confused. :)

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haha good point will do the best ;)

The TAW view distance script (via action menu) does not work properly in this version - you can change VD accordingly but "Grass settings" seems to be broken a bit - you can select low, normal, high - those work - but if you want to select none - it acts as if you selected normal. It seems to also override Game settings (relevant is Terrain quality setting - low equals no grass and lower polygon count of terrain) so no matter what you set up, this broken script overrides it.


This is a problem for players with lower end PCs (grass rendering kills performance), this is a problem in minefields, this is a problem on flat hilltops where you can't see enemies trough grass but AI does not give a shit and headshots you 99% of a time. This is not a problem for people who run everything on ultra.


This script worked in previous versions, what have you done to break it? :D


Also, I like how this version works and all new stuff that was implemented, just tell me, why does this version run 20 FPS less on average than 2.70e which can be found on [GER] 132. Division spezielle Operationen server? That version is missing some features (and has some extra), but it runs significantly smoother on my rig (+20 fps on average!!!) Also it doesn't crash players... (sadly that server has bad connection and is almost always desynced if there are more than 30 peeps). If I were you I would download it, unpbo and figure out why is that version so smooth... I have it confirmed from other friends that it runs really smoother compared to 2.71.


Anyway, keep improving, you are my heroes :P


re grass settings


nothing is broken .. there is a line in the init.sqf to 'disable no-grass'. if the community wants to be able to disable grass then its easy enough to re-enable the 'no-grass' setting.

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And why would someone even think of disabling that grass setting? What could it be good for in PvE - where it only obstructs your view yet NPCs don't give a fuck. If someone wants grass everywhere, they are free to do so. If someone wants those extra couple of frames per second and unobstructed view, then there should be an option for that as well. Could we have it back in the next version pls?

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