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Question about EU 2 server


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Last I heard the Stratis version was running to test out numerous scripts and the impact on performance they have with I&A without a huge map having an effect.

Just the crew doing what they can to try and get the best out of the I&A game mode.

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What Mykey said pretty much sums it up, the decision was taken to use EU 1 as a permanent stable platform for I&A while EU 2 would be used as a test server. This ensures that there isn't a new version being put onto EU 1 every other day.

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It may be a possibility eventually but for the foreseeable future I'm fairly sure EU 2 will be a test server for fixes and new features. 


Of course I am just an admin so the Developers and Core Staff may have other plans which are "above my pay grade" so to speak :P 

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