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A-10C Thunderbolt II by Peral for ArmA 3


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But will it blend?


I figure Raz will have something to say about this xD



This looks like it's just been ripped straight out of DCS. Anyone else?


I think David already beat me to it,


lets weigh the Pros and Cons



  1. You can fight with your friends on the ground
  2. It's easier than DCS (Although DCS does have simplifiers to make it easier than this)

Pro everything else (mainly DCS)

  1. The view distance is better in DCS
  2. The performance is better in DCS
  3. It sounds better in DCS
  4. The systems / model is probably based off of DCS and is nowhere close at that
  5. Hitting Tab is not the correct way to gain a laser target nor a maverick target
  6. It will not aerodynamically perform anywhere close to simulation standard
  7. False advertising leading people to believe they can utilise 95% of the cockpit when actually he means that he's added 95% of his goal



I would have loved to see the A10 in Arma 3 release plans in it's arma state, ARMA are well known not to make realistic aircraft but playable aircraft that makes average joe thinks he is badass. This is trying too hard to be something it doesn't need to be. Nice to see some effort but ARMA is just not simply cut out to be what this is trying to be

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Why are you compairing this to DCS. The simulation level in DCS is not for everyone. This tread is not about promoting how awesome DCS is.


This Is clearly not made for hardcore similation purpose. Its just nice to have this level of reality in Arma. And come on, we now have the GAU-8 Avenger.


I hope to see more from this team. They did an awesome job.


And just like Arma and every onther BIS game. Its still in development.

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Why are you compairing this to DCS. The simulation level in DCS is not for everyone. This tread is not about promoting how awesome DCS is.


This Is clearly not made for hardcore similation purpose. Its just nice to have this level of reality in Arma. And come on, we now have the GAU-8 Avenger.


I hope to see more from this team. They did an awesome job.


And just like Arma and every onther BIS game. Its still in development.


I'm comparing it to DCS because that's what its trying to be. You have to accept that ARMA is extremely poor for any type of fixed wing aircraft, viability sucks, performance sucks aerodynamics sucks straight off the bat. I tried F18 mod but when trying to look through the targeting pod, the target i was supposed to be looking at wouldn't even render if i battled the graphics option into submission, the same will apply for this.


If you mention reality i'm going to bring that to a bump

This aircraft is so realistic you turn OFF the apu generator to turn on the engines...


It was a nice idea but keep it to what arma does best, simplicity. pull forward on your throttle to start the engines, let the scroll wheel control the mayhem, let my enemies feel the wrath of my tab button. Pray to god i don't stall out of the sky pulling a level banking turn.


Don't waste your time trying to make this a simulation, there are other things out there for that! :)




p.s. it popped up on my steam that arma 2 operation arrowhead is still in beta, wonder when that'll get finished?

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Sadly, I have to agree with Raz. Arma's aerodynamics are too terrible to even bother, to me. I have not been on Arma in two weeks almost because I made the mistake of going back to simulation games like DCS and Take-On Helicopters.


For custom missions I would suggest keeping the level simple and focus on the ground combat, since that's what Arma does best. On the server a craft such as the A-10 would firstly be horrendously broken and secondly it would require everyone to have the mod installed.

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