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Revive V Handle Damage

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Ding ding!


I have in my possession a script to null damage down to any value we want. Let me explain why I'm doing this in  the first place:


At current, you can take a headshot, die in a minefield, fall off a cliff, die in a vehicle crash etc and as long as there is somebody nearby who is a medic, he can fix all that with a click of a button. Not even consistently i might add. the script is buggy and plain annoying to deal with. Additionally this revive script is suspected of causing massive fps drop next to burning vehicles (around 0.3 fps i'd guess). It used to save your gear and present you with it after revival but not any more. you may have picked that awesome machine gun and kitted it out but it's going to give you an mx with aimdot... It's outdated and buggy.


So there's my argument for getting rid of this unrealistic, buggy, ugly feature. Here's a slightly less unrealistic 24 line total script that instead nulls your damage down, a little. This is to make it more playable for yourselves so you can get to a medic and be back up to full strength, but if you die... you'll have to respawn at base. Perhaps you'll be a little more careful when running near cliffs and picking who you fly with eh?


trialling it at half damage worked pretty well but we can adjust.


I imagine initially there will be a lot of resistance to this but think about it.

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I 100% support this idea. But for it to work well, medics have to be improved upon too. By this I mean the way damage effects the body and the way medics can heal you. I know it is difficult with arma at the moment but it would really be the only way to make it work well with no respawn.

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Who said anything about no respawn, Raz didn't in above.

Idea sounds good Btc revive was/is horrible, and a resource hungry hippo to boot. It'll be a pain for a while having to reload loadout after each death, but most we're doing that anyway because BTc was glitch in gear,

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However think on about it I really don't see how this would work on a public level. Far to many people would get frustrated at a 5 minute flight, 3 minute walk to a firing position to get shot, respawn and repeat process. Pubbers would simply feel like there time is being wasted and switch servers. All be it revive isn't amazingly realistic but in the world of arma it is somewhat a time safer as near essential. Unless there is another very good system in place which could combat this. And medics would become even more required if this does happen. As a lot of people are going to need healing and quickly. Anyway I'd like to hear everyone else's views.

I can't edit my post because I'm on my phone but in the second part he refers to dieing and going straight back to spawn. IE no revive.

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Ah you said no respawn at the end of your post rather than revive,

If the script works to slowdown the damage taken it might not be too bad at least you'll have a chance to find cover FAK yourself and fall back for medic, makes it a bit more realistic and maybe kill off the Cod / BF run & gun, pray & spray elements a bit too, also revive is responsible in a small part of AOs being completed in rapid fire time so losing it'll help towards pushing out AO longevity too.

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I like this idea, the only problem with public servers is a lot of the time people go running in all guns blazing and leading the charge because they know they can just be revived. Its going to make the AW servers a whole lot more tactical and perhaps take time for some people to get used to and could cause a few to leave for a server with revive. As I said though, as somebody who enjoys playing the medic role properly I like the idea.


Edit: On a totally different note, this post caused me to get 666 Ahoy coins :D

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Guys you forgot about one feature of VAS, you can set a loadout when you spawn in load section of the VAS. >:P


Over I this idea of don't have a revive script on the server because it takes you out of your comfort zone and make ARMA in to tactical sim how it should to be :D


However, if any AW members can find an alternative to old revive script that would be good to.


We can add a "hardcore revive" system: Link


Ducky Out

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Guys you forgot about one feature of VAS, you can set a loadout when you spawn in load section of the VAS. > :P


Over I this idea of don't have a revive script on the server because it takes you out of your comfort zone and make ARMA in to tactical sim how it should to be :D


However, if any AW members can find an alternative to old revive script that would be good to.


We can add a "hardcore revive" system: Link


Ducky Out


Loadout load selection can be disabled in the script. XMeds is not a clientside addon. 

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