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GAMENIGHT: Sat 11th Jan. ArmA3


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Sorry for the late notice guys!


It is time for the first of the year, hope you're all upto scratch ;)


Providing the lovely core staff can set us a server a side we'll be having a game night afternoon tomorrow from 14:30 GMT+1(UK Time)



The game will be using Pfc. Christiansens Alive mission. 


Alive is a simple mod which does some funky stuff with the AI to make them better.


It can be found at this link: here or on Play with Six


All other mods are as normal and ALIVE is the only REQUIRED one.


So all you have to do is turn up tomorrow at 14:30 and prepare for some gaming.


Slots and such like will be explained tomorrow and I hope to see you all on the battlefield. 


If you've got a question feel free to ask!





EDIT: I forgot to mention ACRE! ACRE will be decided upon tomorrow depending how many new users we have turn up.

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