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Ban Appeal - Mike


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Hi guys,


I posted a ban appeal a while back but it seems to have been overlooked slightly, and I would love to play on the AW servers again. I shall copy what I originally wrote:


"I was banned from your Arma 3 Annex and Invade server for game hack number 38. This was due to Cheat Engine being open when I accessed the server. The reason why Cheat Engine was open was because I had just been playing another game which I choose to cheat in (single player game) and had forgotten to close it when I booted up Arma 3. While I know that what I did was a punishable offence, and understandably so, it was a genuine mistake which I regret. I have not, and will not, ever intend to cheat on a public multiplayer server, such as yours, and would love to be able to play on your servers again."


Anyway, I'd appreciate it if someone could reconsider my ban, as it was a genuine mistake. I do not cheat and will never cheat on public games. And in my defence of my cheating in the single player game, which I really shouldn't have to do, it's my game which I can play however I like. No need to judge; my only regret is that I left Cheat Engine open when I stared up ARMA.




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that is kind of correct technerd. If battleye banned him for #38 then any server that runs BEC will not allow him on it. If however a server is not running BEC, it will not read the master ban list and he will be able to play there.


@mackey18 - there is nothing we can do as far as unbanning you if battleye itself caught cheatengine running. you GUID is added to a master list that is controlled by them and only them. We have no say in getting your GUID removed from that list. You will have to contact them directly and appeal your ban.


when I say you have to contact "them" what I mean is you will have to appeal here.... http://www.battleye.com/support.html

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies, very useful. Yes, I can play on other servers just fine, as far as I'm aware but to be frank I've only played on about 4 other servers.


I don't really understand, I had a look online earlier and from what I've read this is not a global ban, or is that different to being banned on all servers with 'BEC'? If it makes any difference the alert says "Admin Ban".


If it really is down BattleEye's end, then I'll drop them an email. Thanks for the link and the help guys.



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yea, unfortunately it is BEC who has done the ban. A lot of arma 3 servers do not use it because they do not know how to set it up. That or they are renting an ARMA 3 server which does not allow access to the root folder needed to install it. So MANY of the servers you run into out there will NOT be running BEC and hence you can join them.


Again, if BEC catches cheat engine running, it will toss a global ban. This only applies to servers running BEC. These bans are totally controlled by battleye and have nothing to do with us.

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Ok then guys, thank you very much. I'll send a message to BattlEye once I find my unique ban identifier (don't remember being shown one when the message pops up) and see how it goes. I'll report back.


Thanks again for all the help,


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