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TMR mod


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I just installed the TMR mod so I can get the Bi-Pods to work on the machine guns as frankly the recoil on the standard is absurd when lying down. It makes it impossible to lay down effective suppressing  fire. 


The trouble is when I activate the mod the server will not let me in with a list of six .pbo's followed by "are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.


Now could someone help with what is going on here?


I understand if the server does not want me to use a lot of the mods in the TMR pack but please allow us to use the Bi-Pod and auto-rest features.





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If you want a weapon resting mod which you can use on the Ahoy World servers then you could try VTS Weapon Resting. Seems pointless to add keys for a different one when there is already a similar mod enabled, I'm not an admin or core staff though so that's just my opinion :D


I prefer the way TMR is implemented honestly.

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I've mentioned this on the Addons thread, I don't mind VTS but TMR is the other side of the moon in comparison, much better, it eliminates almost all scope sway and recoil, vts doesn't do this, also the scope options are alot clearerer then the manky dirty standard ones, did BI not have spare microfibre cloths we could use to wipe the muc off :)


just for info

VTS is useable on all the AW pub servers, TMR is useable on the ACRE / PVP one if you want to use it 

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It's client side so only needs the bikeys active, its made up of several pbo's and several bikeys so you can restrict which part of the mod you want to allow disallows bionic the servers

It changes player animation for recoil lessens the effect of it, decreases scope sway when prone or bipod / wall resting, adds an overlay to the default scopes for better views, and changes weapons & some vehicle names to display their correct / real world name.

It doesn't change or add any weapon models if I recall, there is also a bikey for JSRS linked on their armaholic Page that's linked to the Mk200 lmg not sure if it covers all of JSRS put worth a look too

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It's client side so only needs the bikeys active, its made up of several pbo's and several bikeys so you can restrict which part of the mod you want to allow disallows bionic the servers

It changes player animation for recoil lessens the effect of it, decreases scope sway when prone or bipod / wall resting, adds an overlay to the default scopes for better views, and changes weapons & some vehicle names to display their correct / real world name.

It doesn't change or add any weapon models if I recall, there is also a bikey for JSRS linked on their armaholic Page that's linked to the Mk200 lmg not sure if it covers all of JSRS put worth a look too


As he said. You can decide what to allow and what not to. Personally I would be happy with the bi-pod and auto resting which is what I got it for. So much more realistic as far as I was concerned. I was in a situation on the server the other day in a hut trying desperately to shoot through a window and getting so very frustrated because I kept saying to myself why can't i rest my rifle on the bloody window sill like I would in reality. The damn thing was swaying all over the place. Fine if I am standing in a field but when there is something to lean on I should be able to use it. This mod allows me to do it and a bloody good job it does of it too.


Other things are disposable PMCl  and other more reaslistic enhancements. I am sure you will try it and decide what should and should not be allowed but for me a fantastic mod that brings a little more realism in areas that it desperately needs. In Invade and annex we are not playing against each other so really there is no advantage gain.


Regards and look forward to your decisions on this matter.

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