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Streamtoplay the team killer


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hi chuan i teamkil only on copy server's , so on the real ahoywold server i dont taem kill ,

its like a movie !!! i make a movie n some 1 Copy myn movie , its olmost the same ,


sorry you dont like me ,  


Name whit ahoywold eu # 1

                  ahoywold eu # 2

                  ahoywold eu # 3

ahoywold us # 1

ahoywold us # 2

ahoywold us # 3


this is the real name server


i now myn engels = bad i try it


sya shuan you post for the wrong server

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better to filter [Ahoyworld.co.uk] that way you get our servers 99.9999% of the time the .0001% are imitators and don't last long :)


or if in doubt click Remote & enter the IP's & ports


EU - Ports - EU1 2302, EU2 2402, EU3 2502

US - Ports - US1 2302, US2 2402, US3 2502

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Even though this didn't happen on any of our servers, I do have to wonder why you'd do it to other servers anyway? Other communities work just as hard as we do to get where they are so why degrade their gameplay?


That is exactly what I wanted to ask David, teamkilling is never OK, not even on other servers.


If this is really streamtoplay or not, it makes me sick seeing this no mater who it is. Especially when staying on the TS server of Ahoy World at the same time, you risk a change to put AW in bad daylight. 

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Even though this didn't happen on any of our servers, I do have to wonder why you'd do it to other servers anyway? Other communities work just as hard as we do to get where they are so why degrade their gameplay?


He is basically saying he does it to the ones who try to make their server look like they are one of ours to fool people into joining them. I am not suspicious of him at all because i have seen him on our servers a number of times and he never has caused trouble for us yet. He is basically just seeking vengeance on those who who try to get users by not doing any work at all. nothing more.


imagine you put years work into something. took time to build it up to where it is. Then someone stole that work and claimed it as theirs...... Or say you created a Mona Lisa, someone comes along and just copies that image and shows the world that THEY painted it.....


would you seek legal justice?



is it right? probably not. Is ahoyworld employing this person to do it? nope. Do we condone it? not really. 


Last question..... Did he do it on OUR SERVERS? no. so why punish him for not doing anything wrong on OUR servers? let the other servers owners/admins handle it. NOT US.

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I'm trying to get the attention of the admins vilayer.com
therefore I am also the team kill the vilayer.com
Why I team kill people there, they have a copy made ​​of the community AhoyWold, most people come here on the vilayer.com server or on the Teamspeak server and that is not the intention


I do not mean it's bad, but I want them to talk to the server that they have to change another name


On the real World Ahoy server there I help people
Only if there is a copy of a server I can not really against
I try to help this community


If all your questions have not been answered  just tel it to me


GL & HF Streamtoplay

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I understand the situation, but I still don't think its the right way. People who maybe don't even know AW and are playing first time on arma are being team killed (just an example). They have no clue why it happens, and their fun is spoiled.


So yes I do get the intention, but I don't think this is the way to fix it.

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He is basically saying he does it to the ones who try to make their server look like they are one of ours to fool people into joining them. I am not suspicious of him at all because i have seen him on our servers a number of times and he never has caused trouble for us yet. He is basically just seeking vengeance on those who who try to get users by not doing any work at all. nothing more.


imagine you put years work into something. took time to build it up to where it is. Then someone stole that work and claimed it as theirs...... Or say you created a Mona Lisa, someone comes along and just copies that image and shows the world that THEY painted it.....


would you seek legal justice?



is it right? probably not. Is ahoyworld employing this person to do it? nope. Do we condone it? not really. 


Last question..... Did he do it on OUR SERVERS? no. so why punish him for not doing anything wrong on OUR servers? let the other servers owners/admins handle it. NOT US.


I'm not considering punishment, I feel it's a question that needs asking though.


So what if they try to imitate us, it's because we're successful, at the end of the day they just want to have fun too. Using our name isn't ok in my book but neither is teamkilling. It would be much better to at least contact them first than to take a violent vendetta.

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