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Non-random AOs


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Hi there,


I would like to create a campaign style map with bluefor starting at Molos AirlfieId and moving west to Kavala. Is it possible to make the AO main targets come in from east to west.

_initialTargets = [
"Main Airbase",


I would like to remove the Random aspect of the mission creation. I do understand how the markers placed in the editor relates to AO spawning, I just want them sequential.


_initialTargets = [
"Main Airbase",



Any help would be great!





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Hi there,


I would like to create a campaign style map with bluefor starting at Molos AirlfieId and moving west to Kavala. Is it possible to make the AO main targets come in from east to west.

_initialTargets = ["Molos","Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Charkia","Main Airbase","Neochori","Poliakko","Zaros","Kaval",];


I would like to remove the Random aspect of the mission creation. I do understand how the markers placed in the editor relates to AO spawning, I just want them sequential.


_initialTargets = ["Molos","Sofia","Paros","Rodopoli","Charkia","Main Airbase","Neochori","Poliakko","Zaros","Kaval",];



Any help would be great!






Not sure what code are you using but in the I&A code you will find this on init.sqf file:

currentAO = _targets call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

I am not 100% sure but I think the I&A mission code remove the AO from the _targets array after it's completed so you could just use:

currentAO = _targets select 0;

So it will always select the first target from the array. once completed the target will be removed from the array, making what was the second element now the first one. So the targets get selected in order, not sure what happens once all the targets are completed, I guess they reset and the array gets filled with all the targets again.

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Wok is bang on. I can't remember if I left in the ability to have the mission end once all targets were done in parameters though...


That would be a handy feature to have, and a very convenient time for a consistent server reboot.



From another angle, it would also cut down on some gameplay logistics since the next sequential AO would be close enough for vehicles to traverse without an airlift. That alone would cut down the need for a fourth pilot slot, if the AOs are close to each other. Being objective however, if the AOs are close it tends to encourage swarming instead of using the helicopters/transit methods as a time to rejoin their squad.




Not too sure about having an AO spawn at the airbase though, its a handy spawn point for BLUFOR. 




I don't think this aspect is high on the priority list, but if a re-write was to come, here's my take on it:



Have a few different, parallel versions of the mission


ie. 2.51a

ie. 2.51b

ie. 2.51c 


Each with a different set of AOs, perhaps with some overlaps of the more popular ones.




The reason for the above is that ArmA 3 is really server-intensive and after a few hours of AOs, performance degrades to the point where people begin to complain and rally support for a #vote restart 


So if there were say, 6 AOs on each a/b/c then after a Mission Complete of (a), we could vote for ( B) and fire that one up for a new set of AOs while retaining the mission itself, after ( B), we load up © to complete the series. 


I disagree with the AOs spawning in a predictable fashion though. That would encourage players to break off from the ongoing AO and get into their favorite shooting position before the next AO starts (ie. Static AA launchers). I believe the random spawning is important to prevent exploitation in that manner. 





separate the AOs onto a few different, parallel missions, so that we can have more total AOs that are playable in harmony with server limitations. 


dont make AO order predictable, or it will be exploited


cliffs of cliffs:


another thankless task added to Mount To-Do-List

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