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DCS Autumn Sale!


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Eagle Dynamics/DCS are having an Autumn sale (Fall sale for you US dialect speakers) :P

It's running from 20th - 29th Sept.

Basically everything is 60% off!

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Pre-Purchase Beta. $49.99 now $19.99

DCS: UH-1H Huey, Pre-Purchase Beta. $49.99 now $19.99

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3. $49.99 now $19.99

DCS: A-10C Warthog. $39.99 now $15.99

DCS: Black Shark 2. $39.99 now $15.99

DCS: P-51D Mustang. $39.99 now $15.99

DCS: Combined Arms. $29.99 now $11.99

DCS: Black Shark 2 Upgrade. $29.99 now $11.99

A-10A: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $5.99

Su-25: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $5.99

This means I'll be getting the Mi-8. Fancy it Raz?

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Not yet. They're keeping it pretty close to their chests. Although this has turned up with flyable Spit, 109 and p-47 along with the mustang and 190 already in dcs. Plus a new map of Normandy.  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/508681281/dcs-wwii-europe-1944


Looks interesting. Although I would like a DCS standard fast jet soon.

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