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hey guys,


love invade and annex but i hate the iranian bug heads. i would love to see this with the african conflict units (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160607-African-conflict-a3) so you would be fighting african armed civilians. Basically conduct COIN on altis with these units. would be sweet to mingle in civilians too.


on a sidenote, i tried to edit the mission myself and adding in these units by replacing some code lines and what not but it ended up breaking the mission. if you guys could point out where i would have to put what that would be sweet. and this is for private use for just me and a buddy unless you guys release it publically. would be nice.


keep up the good work :D


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love invade and annex but i hate the iranian bug heads. i would love to see this with the african conflict units (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160607-African-conflict-a3) so you would be fighting african armed civilians. Basically conduct COIN on altis with these units. would be sweet to mingle in civilians too.


 yo dog,

can't answer the second question but i can answer the first. It probably won't happen as it would require everyone to download and install the mod which would exclude a huge number of folks, so it's unlikely to happen. Try an look at it in a positive light though those helmets just make it easier to make a head shot!

see you on the servers

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this really wouldnt be hard to implement, but as zissou has said, it will never be implemented on our server. Players would have to download that mod as well as this mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160599-NATO-SF-and-Russian-Spetsnaz-WEAPONS-for-A3 (since the original mod is dependent on it). As we have said in the past, we will not be adding any content that forces a player to install a mod to connect to our servers.


On the other hand, if you want to host our mission with this mod running all you have to do is throw that addon in the servers main arma folder and call it when starting the server, as well as the second mods that it is dependent on. Then it will be active and it will change all the units.

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yeah i figured it out guys :) thanks to the help from kylania. oh and sorry for the miscommunication, i didnt intend for it to run on your servers, i guess i was way off on my explanation. so you guys have no problem with me editing the mission and running it on my dedicated server? i edited the AW logo (just put africa as the backdrop basically) and added in "edited by thedog" after some author names. i left all due credit to you guys however, i hope that is fine. like said, the reason why im doing it is because i have an absolute discust for the iranian bugheads, they annoy me so much that these armed civilian rebels bring back that arma 2 OA feel for me. i also added in the ATM halo script, you guys should consider, it runs very well and so far only had 1 error come up which i will fix. its nice for smaller groups playing together. once the mission is done i can post it up here if you guys wanna check it out? since its primarily your baby i think that would just be fair :)


anyways gents, thanks for this mission, love it, and keep up the good work :)

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  • 3 years later...

Thedog, I know this is an old topic, but how did you add the at Halo script? I am a newbie to programming and would like to add not only the Halo script, but also a cas a-10. I cannot find out how to do this. I can open the mission in the editor and add the plane and flag (for the halo), but after recompiling to pbo, the mission says the extra objects break the mission. I can post the edited pbo and screenshots when I get home, but I am stumped. Could someone please help a learning geek? ?.

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