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Respawn for GreyHawks


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Always used them just when shot down made the Arty guys spotting difficult, I got the coding finished for it, added to the current pbo for I&A(current vics and boats too). Limits on the helicopters use in towing if not already for all vehicles and weight limits.


I'll send it up on DBox for viewing.


Just another suggestion, if we don't add this option, to add another UAV Operator to go front lines to use the little Parrot Drones for spotting for the Arty and troops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you clarify: Can only Arty slot use it still?

 Yes, the haymaker slot is essentially a fire support slot, the reason it is that way is just balance, it also encourages the person in that slot to use it, else people get pissed off that there wasting the slot. if you have problems with people in pilot slots or haymaker slots not playing them as intended , ask them to please leave it and let someone wanting to play it as intended in. If this doesnt work seek an admin.

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