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Treithune Ban Appeal


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In-game name: Treithune

Teamspeak: Kennys


How was I banned: I was banned by John because I was lagging out and crashed into a few chairs and tables. He took screenshots and banned me right away. I then went on teamspeak and tried to find out why I was banned, he then was being rude cursing at me and banned me off that aswell. 


When was I banned: 9/14/2013  about 9:00 PM EST



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- My offical Statement


    - I was ingame and treithune was trolling coms several times spamming shhhhhhh when people where trying to efectivly communicate. Later on in that game people asked for a mission restart cause of lag. I asked for a server wide Vote. In the middle of this vote he had made a sexist comment. And a few other times when he was interrupting me while i was trying to clear up some situations. I gave him multiple warnings and was nice enough not to kick him. 


  - Then i re spawned at base and saw Treithune deliberately get in a vehicle and start ramming people.... Not just ammo boxes. Then he got into a APC and started doing it again. (I have screenshots). I banned him and asked him to appeal via the forums.


He then came into teamspeak coming into my channel and asked me why i banned him i tried to explain and he just kept on ranting on and would not let me finish my sentence. I told him we could work this out with core staff, i told him there aren't any on, so he just continued so instead of getting into further confrontation i decided it would be best to do a 24 hour ban so when he comes back on we are both in a calm manner and a core staff member will be present. 

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